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BPM/SOA Human Task: Java code in jsp source files is not allowed in ojsp.next mode by Antonis Antoniou


clip_image002Today I came across an exception while trying to load one of my task details (v12.2.1).

Error: OracleJSP error: oracle.jsp.parse.JavaCodeException: Line # 14, oracle.jsp.parse.JspParseTagScriptlet@66e50889
Error: Java code in jsp source files is not allowed in ojsp.next mode

What was really strange to me was that I did not do anything different from what I used to do with previous versions.
After some research I found out that this was a known issue for 12.2.1. There are two possible causes for getting this error.
a) Either you are not using the fully qualified host name  (including domain name) for the forms to render properly. Read the complete article here.

SOA & BPM Partner Community

For regular information on Oracle SOA Suite become a member in the SOA & BPM Partner Community for registration please visit www.oracle.com/goto/emea/soa (OPN account required) If you need support with your account please contact the Oracle Partner Business Center.


Business Rules: Sums and Averages in Test Conditions by Jaideep


Sometimes in test conditions in rules, there may be a need to test for sums or averages of a collection of values, and these kinds of aggregated values may not be directly available as input facts. For example, in an expense report, you may want to test if the total expenses are above a certain value and then take some action. This is easy if the total value is available directly in the expense report header. What if the total value is not available in the expense report directly and you have to do a sum of all the expense lines in the rule…before you can test for the total value?  How do you do aggregation of fact values in the rule? Watch this quick tip video to see how to do this. Aggregation in Oracle Business Rules in Two Minutes Watch the video here


SOA & BPM Partner Community

For regular information on Oracle SOA Suite become a member in the SOA & BPM Partner Community for registration please visit www.oracle.com/goto/emea/soa (OPN account required) If you need support with your account please contact the Oracle Partner Business Center.


Top tweets SOA Partner Community – December 2016


imageDecember 2016 top tweets by soaCommunity

Send your tweets @soacommunity#soaCommunity and follow us at http://twitter.com/soacommunity. Make sure you share your content with the community!

SOA & BPM Partner Community

For regular information on Oracle SOA Suite become a member in the SOA & BPM Partner Community for registration please visit www.oracle.com/goto/emea/soa (OPN account required) If you need support with your account please contact the Oracle Partner Business Center.


Technorati Tags: twitter,SOA Community,Oracle SOA,Oracle BPM,OPN,Jürgen Kress,SOA Community twitter

The Oracle Applications User Experience (OAUX) team has loads of new content that we’re eager to share


clip_image002The Oracle Applications User Experience (OAUX) team has loads of new content that we’re eager to share. Beginning with Oracle Voice, Oracle’s platform on Forbes.com, Group Vice President Jeremy Ashley describes in a recent post how Oracle is addressing specific HCM trends and issues in our cloud application services while keeping that “suite” perspective. What else did we write about in the past month?

LOOKING TO THE ENTERPRISE FUTURE: The OAUX team reports on wearables and IoT devices as well as Oracle’s investment in the challenges of bringing them to the enterprise in a new post on the Voice of User Experience (VoX) blog. Wearables lie at the center of many IoT discussions, and the possibilities they create when they work in tandem are endless. The OAUX team has been keeping an eye on both areas for several years and is investing heavily in research and development behind the challenges of interweaving the capabilities of both types of devices and bringing them to the enterprise.

UX STRATEGY: We know you’re craving the latest in Oracle’s UX strategy, and we must deliver. Learn more in a new VoX post with a bird’s-eye view on our new strategy ebook, or dive right into the (free!) download.

NEW TO DO AND SEE: If you’re an Oracle partner, we’ve got some updates just for you. Check the recently refreshed For Partners page featuring Release 10 content. Want to come to one of our partner events? We’ve got you covered on our Events page. Finally, we’re also bringing you a new Cloud User Experience Specialist Role, freshened up for Release 10. Find out more here.

RDK:We recently announced updates to the Cloud UX Rapid Development Kit (RDK) on the Usable Apps website, and we’re so excited by it that we’re still talking about it. Check out the following posts:

  • Get a tour of the Cloud UX Rapid Development Kit for Release 10 in Overview of the PaaS4SaaS User Experience RDK, including the new Microsoft PowerPoint-based wireframing tools and the software templates and components that are available for developers on OTN and GitHub.
  • InIntegrating Google Maps, IFTTT, and OpenWeatherMap APIs into the Oracle Cloud UX Rapid Development Kit , Lancy Silveira writes about APIs used in the Release 10 Cloud UX Rapid Development Kit and how they are integrated into the RDK simplified UI pages, encouraging partners and developers to explore more possibilities that will enrich the Cloud UX for customers in simple, fast ways.
  • Silveira also talks to Customer Connect's Frank Cowell about the Cloud UX Rapid Development Kit. If you’re a member of Customer Connect, access is easy through the website. HCM Talk Radio, a regular podcast where experts and guests share the latest in HCM Cloud best practices and knowledge, is also available directly. If you haven’t tuned in yet for these informative podcasts, go to Oracle’s Podcast Center or to iTunes and sign up for the feeds to receive and listen to the talk shows regularly.

SOA & BPM Partner Community

For regular information on Oracle SOA Suite become a member in the SOA & BPM Partner Community for registration please visit www.oracle.com/goto/emea/soa (OPN account required) If you need support with your account please contact the Oracle Partner Business Center.


Android app icons and splash screens in JET hybrid apps


If you are using Oracle JET to develop hybrid mobile apps and recently updated to Cordova CLI v6.4.0, you may have noticed that your custom app icons and splash screens are not being included in your app when deployed to Android devices.

This is a known issue with Cordova Android v6.0.0 that has been addressed in the recent v6.1.0 release.  To upgrade to this version, follow these steps: 

  1. Change directory to the 'hybrid' folder within your app source code:
    cd hybrid
  2. Save your plugins:
    cordova plugin save
  3. Upgrade Cordova Android:
    cordova platform update android@latest
Rebuild and redeploy your app to an Android device using the JET grunt tasks or your own build scripts and you should see your custom app icon and splash screen as expected.

Opening a web link from your MAF app in the device browser app

We've recently received a few inquiries about how to display a web link in a MAF app that will open in the device’s browser app when the user taps on it.

It seems that some teams have been relying on a side effect of whitelisting to circumvent the default MAF behaviour, which is to display the contents of the web link directly in the current WebView.  In earlier releases of MAF, if you did not add the web link’s URL to the whitelist, it would be opened in the device’s browser app instead.  However, with recent changes to Cordova and MAF whitelist functionality, this is no longer the case.  

This was never really the correct way to do it anyway, so what is the correct way?

InAppBrowser plugin

The Apache Cordova team has kindly provided a plugin called cordova-plugin-inappbrowser that gives you complete control over how the web link should be displayed.

You can find full documentation about this plugin in the Cordova documentation.

How do I use this in my MAF app?

First, you need to add the plugin to your MAF app as follows:

1.Download the plugin from GitHub
2.Extract the contents of the downloaded zip file into your MAF app’s source code (preferably in the top-level src folder)
3.Add the plugin to your MAF app’s maf-application.xml file via the Plugins UI in JDeveloper

Next, add a link to your page that invokes a custom JavaScript function as follows:

1.Drag a Link (<amx:commandLink>) onto your page
2.Edit the Action Listener property of this link by creating a new Managed Bean with a single method
3.Modify the newly created bean’s method to invoke a custom JavaScript function as follows:    
    AdfmfJavaUtilities.getFeatureId(), "displayLink", new Object[] { });

Finally, create the custom JavaScript file and add it to your app, as follows:

1. Create a new JavaScript file within the feature into which you’ve added the link
2. Modify this JavaScript file to include the referenced function as follows (specifying your desired URL):  
(function () {

    displayLink = function() {
        cordova.InAppBrowser.open('http://www.oracle.com', '_system');

}) ();

3. Add the newly created JavaScript file to your feature’s content via the maf-feature.xml file.

The MAF Developer Guide provides detailed information about how to complete each of the steps listed above.

Having completed these steps, deploy to a device or simulator/emulator for testing.


Do not use whitelisting in an attempt to force your MAF app to display an external web link in the device's browser app.

Whitelisting should only be used to secure references to external web links that are displayed within the current WebView of your MAF app.

Use the cordova-plugin-inappbrowser plugin supplied by the Apache Cordova team to control the display of external web links from your MAF app. 

Loading Data into Oracle Cloud ERP R10 using the new LoadAndImportData operation by Angelo Santagata




As part of Oracle ERP cloud release 10 a new SOAP function has been made available to our customers which greatly simplifies the loading of ERP data using the batch oriented SOAP Services.

This article aims to give the reader, details of this new SOAP Service and how it helps in loading data files into Oracle ERP cloud.

Assuming the input file has been already produced, loading the data into Oracle ERP cloud service is traditionally a multi-step process.

The typical “happy” path is :

  1. 1. Load the file into Oracle Fusion ERP UCM service
  2. 2. Execute the first ESS Job which transfers the file from UCM to the Oracle ERP interface tables
  3. 3. Using a polling technique check to see when the ESS job has finished transferring the file into the interface tables
  4. 4. Execute a second ESS job, which transfers the file from Oracle ERP interface tables to the Oracle ERP data object tables
  5. 5. Use a polling technique to check to see when the file has been processed
    6. Finally execute a call to the downloadESSJobExecutionDetails() operation to download a log file so you can check for success,or any errors, which need dealing with.

Whilst this approach appears attractive, as it allows the developer a great deal of control of the process, in truth this internal processing should be something that the SaaS application [Oracle ERP Cloud] should manage and provide feedback to the developer when things finish

New SOAP method in R10

As of Oracle ERP cloud Release 10 there is a new API called “loadAndImportData“, which is held within the ERPintegrationService, ( https://(FinancialDomain,Financial Common)/publicFinancialCommonErpIntegration/ErpIntegrationService?WSDL). This service has been specifically created to simplify the loading of data into Oracle ERP Cloud service by allowing you the ability to submit a file which is then automatically taken through the various stages of processing within Oracle ERP Cloud, without the user needing to execute each step of the process manually. Read the complete article here.

SOA & BPM Partner Community

For regular information on Oracle SOA Suite become a member in the SOA & BPM Partner Community for registration please visit www.oracle.com/goto/emea/soa (OPN account required) If you need support with your account please contact the Oracle Partner Business Center.


Additional new content SOA & BPM Partner Community



·New Features in Oracle SOA Suite 12.2.1Written by SOA architect and Oracle ACE Associate Sandra Flores, this article presents an overview of key new features in Oracle SOA Suite 12.2.1. Read the article.

·Where is SOA Going?Oracle ACE Director Luis Weir and ACEs Rolando Carrasco and Arturo Viveros, the authors of Oracle API Management 12c Implementation (Packt Publishing) share their insight on the evolution of service oriented architecture in this article from Oracle Magazine. Read the article.

·Oracle Managed File Transfer 12.2.1 Nashorn JavaScript IntegrationWhen you upgrade to Oracle MFT 12.2.1, which uses Java JDK 1.8, you have yet another leaner, meaner option to use the RunJS callout to use JavaScript to invoke all MFT, SOA, and all WSL Java API's natively. Dave Berry explains it all in this concise post. Read the post.

·SOA and Integration On-Prem and in the CloudVikas Anand (Senior Director, Product Management, SOA Suite/Integration Cloud Service, Oracle) and Ram Menon (Product Manager, Oracle Integration Cloud Service) discuss meeting SOA and integration challenges on-prem and in the cloud in this OTN TechCast interview. Watch the video.

SOA & BPM Partner Community

For regular information on Oracle SOA Suite become a member in the SOA & BPM Partner Community for registration please visit www.oracle.com/goto/emea/soa (OPN account required) If you need support with your account please contact the Oracle Partner Business Center.


Technorati Tags: SOA Community,Oracle SOA,Oracle BPM,OPN,Jürgen Kress

PaaS Product Series- Integration Cloud Services by Leon Smiers


In this series we will walk through different cloud products and how SaaS and PaaS can be combined together and their use in different projects.

In this podcast we discuss the Oracle Integration Cloud (ICS), part of Oracle PaaS Cloud and focused on delivering integration in Cloud. We emphasis on one specific discussion, with the move to the Cloud, and inclusion of SaaS applications, where do we place the center of gravity for integration, in the Cloud, on-premise or a combination of the two. Listen to the podcast here.


SOA & BPM Partner Community

For regular information on Oracle SOA Suite become a member in the SOA & BPM Partner Community for registration please visit www.oracle.com/goto/emea/soa (OPN account required) If you need support with your account please contact the Oracle Partner Business Center.


Mark your Calendar ! Advisor Webcast on 25-JAN-2017 EBS HCM UK Legislative 2017 Update


Be sure to Mark your Calendar !

Saving the date and time early in 2017, to not miss out on a 1 hour webcast that will highlight the technical and legislative changes affecting the forthcoming tax year end (2016/17) and payroll processing for 2017/18.

This webcast will detail new legislation changes effective from 6th April 2017, including changes to PAYE & NI.
This session will also set out the RTI processes for completing the 2016/17 tax year and moving into 2017/18.

Topics Include:

  • Legislative Changes from April 2017
  • RTI Processes and Updates
  • End of Year Processing Requirements
  • Processing Start of Year
  • P11D

Dates and Times:

Wednesday, 25. January 2017 11:00 GMT Time (London, GMT)
Wednesday, January 25, 2017 12:00 PM (Central European Time)
Wednesday, 25. January 2017 16:30 India Time (Mumbai, GMT+05:30)

Details & Registration: Doc ID 1455851.1

      Using Event Handling Framework for Outbound Integration of Oracle Sales Cloud using Integration Cloud Service by Naveen Nahata




      Oracle’s iPaaS solution is the most comprehensive cloud based integration platform in the market today.  Integration Cloud Service (ICS) gives customers an elevated user experience that makescomplex integration simple to implement.

      Oracle Sales Cloud (OSC) is a SaaS application and is a part of the comprehensive CX suite of applications. Since OSC is usually the customer master and is the center for all Sales related activities, integration with OSC is often a requirement in most use cases

      Although OSC provides useful tools for outbound as well as inbound integration, it is a common practice to use ICS as a tool to integrate OSC and other SaaS as well as on-premises applications. In this article, I will explore this topic in detail and also demonstrate the use of Event Handling Framework (EHF) in OSC to achieve the same.

      Main Article:

      Within ICS you can leverage the OSC adapter to create an integration flow. OSC can act both as source (inbound)  or as target (outbound) for integration with other SaaS or on-premises applications; with ICS in the middle acting as the integration agent. While the inbound integration flow is triggered by the source application, invoking the outbound flow is the responsibility of OSC.

      In this article, I will discuss the outbound flow, where OSC acts as the source and other applications serve as the target. There are essentially 2 ways of triggering this integration:

      • Invoking the ICS integration every time the object which needs to be integrated is created or updated. This can be achieved by writing groovy code inside create/update triggers of the object and invoking the flow web service by passing in the payload.
      • Using the Event Handling Framework (EHF) to generate an update or create event on the object and notify the subscribers. In this case, ICS registers itself with OSC and gets notified when the event gets fired along with the payload

      OSC supports events for most important business objects such as Contact, Opportunities, Partners etc. More objects are being enabled with EHF support on a continuous basis.

      In this article, I will demonstrate how to use EHF to achieve an outbound integration. We will create a flow in ICS which subscribes to the “Contact Created” event and on being notified of the event, updates the newly created contact object. While this integration is quite basic, it demonstrates the concept. While we use Update Contact as a target for our integration, you can use another SaaS application (for example Siebel or Service Cloud) as the target and create a Contact there. Read the complete article here.

      SOA & BPM Partner Community

      For regular information on Oracle SOA Suite become a member in the SOA & BPM Partner Community for registration please visit www.oracle.com/goto/emea/soa (OPN account required) If you need support with your account please contact the Oracle Partner Business Center.


      Fixing cloud integration by Andrew Bell



      Today, most companies are still overwhelmingly on-premise. However, enterprises are turning more and more to the cloud in an effort to reduce the total cost of ownership (TCO) of IT architectures.

      Many hope to offload non-value adding processes and applications to the cloud, whilst others are looking to migrate fully to the cloud as part of their digital transformation journey. For SaaS applications to provide real value to businesses however, they need to integrate with other SaaS or on-premise applications in order to prevent the creation of data silos.

      During the first wave of SaaS implementations, lines of business have typically introduced SaaS applications without regard for the overall IT strategy. Equally, they have built their own point-to-point integrations with other applications. This results in a non-architected integration landscape which is difficult to maintain and build upon.

      In such scenarios, different and often incompatible standards and software are used to provide data integration, meaning that the cost of ownership has actually increased and cross divisional integration is more complex than ever. Security holes can also result in potential risks to organizations.

      This piecemeal approach leads to a mass of point-to-point integrations done haphazardly and without real thought to common standards, community management, security, scalability, visibility or agility. Furthermore, because integration is point to point, companies face real difficulties upgrading when endpoints change.

      Many enterprises that attempt cloud integrations end up in this state, which is why more than half of SaaS applications fail to live up to expectations. The cloud introduces a whole new dimension of complexity including:

      § IT is no longer fully central and controlled. Cloud applications do not run in an organization’s data center, and availability, reliability, security policies etc. are governed by the SaaS vendor.

      § Tooling is often inconsistent. Cloud providers may provide unique integration toolkits and APIs. An integration tool from one vendor may not be compatible with another cloud vendor. As the number of cloud providers increase, so does the number of integration toolkits. This can lead to a spaghetti of complex integrations between various SaaS and on-premise applications. Read the complete article here.

      SOA & BPM Partner Community

      For regular information on Oracle SOA Suite become a member in the SOA & BPM Partner Community for registration please visit www.oracle.com/goto/emea/soa (OPN account required) If you need support with your account please contact the Oracle Partner Business Center.


      Advisor Webcast: EBS Updates for Year 2016 ACA Electronic Filing


      Ready to submit your EBS Year 2016 Affordable Care Act (ACA) Electronic Filing !
      This one-hour advisor webcast is best suited for Benefit Administrators who need to comply with the Employer Shared Responsibility reporting under ACA and who will be submitting Year 2016 ACA Electronic Filing.

      Dates and Times:

      •     Wednesday, February 08, 2017 11:00 AM (US Pacific Time)
      •     Wednesday, February 08, 2017 02:00 PM (US Eastern Time)
      •     Wednesday, February 08, 2017 08:00 PM (Central European Time)
      •     Thursday , February 09, 2017 12:30 AM (India Standard Time)

      Topics Include:

      • XML File Generation
      • Logging IRS Receipts
      • Corrections Archive Processing
      • Q & A

      Register Now! for Oracle Advisor Webcast :  EBS Updates for Year 2016 ACA Electronic Filing

      Follow our My Oracle Support Compensation and Benefits Community for Oracle EBS Benefits Issues.

      You can access recorded webcasts on My Oracle Support, via the notes: 

        Top 10 Posts of 2016

        Happy 2017! Here are your 10 favorite posts from last year. 1. Exporting Multiple Tables to Multiple Excel Spreadsheets Want 6 tables’ worth of data to go to single Excel file? Or one table per file? Here’s how to do that. All of your tables, in a single Excel file. 2. Oracle SQL Tuning Advisor and SQL... [Read More]

        OUGN 2016 | Help! What integration solution is best for me? By Ronald van Luttikhuizen


        clip_image002We used to have heated debates whether to use SOA Suite or Service Bus. With the release of Oracle’s Platform as a Service (PaaS) products like Integration Cloud Service (ICS) and SOA Suite Cloud Service (SOA CS), this discussion is fueled with even more options. In this session we will explain Oracle integration solutions like ODI, SOA Suite, etc. and compare ICS, SOA CS, Oracle Service Bus and Oracle SOA Suite with each other. All these options are illustrated with a use case. Get the presentation here.

        SOA & BPM Partner Community

        For regular information on Oracle SOA Suite become a member in the SOA & BPM Partner Community for registration please visit www.oracle.com/goto/emea/soa (OPN account required) If you need support with your account please contact the Oracle Partner Business Center.


        What's New With Oracle Certification - December 2016


        Stay up to date with the Oracle Certification Program, view exams released into production, get information on current promotions and learn about new program announcements below.

        Now Available in Beta:

        1Z1-148 | Oracle Database 12c: Advanced PL/SQL:
        The right candidate for this exam is an advanced PL/SQL developer who currently holds an Oracle Database SQL Certified Associate or Oracle Database SQL Certified Expert. This beta exam has 130 questions with an allocated time of 2.5 hours.

        1Z1-070 | Oracle Exadata X5 Administration:
        Oracle Exadata X5 Administration covers Exadata Database Machine features and configurations, Exadata Storage Server, migrating to the Database Machine, and maintaining, monitoring and optimizing the Database Machine after initial configuration. A candidate passing the exam proves fluency and solid understanding of the skills required to configure, install and administer an Exadata Database Machine. The beta exam has 130 questions with allocated time of 2.5-3 hours.

        1Z1-338 | Oracle Exadata Database Machine and Cloud Service 2017 Implementation Essentials: Candidates who earn this certification are able to describe the Exadata Architecture and it’s benefits, configure security policies, set up service requests, and configure Oracle Exadata Database machine in the cloud. The beta exam has 120-150 questions with allocated time 2.5-3 hours.

        1Z1-345 | Oracle Policy Automation Cloud Service 2017 Implementation Essentials
        Candidates who earn this certification are able to use comparisons and calculations in rules, know when to use entities and reasoning with entities, test rules, create and enhance interviews, validate data and plan a Policy Automation project. The beta exam has 120-150 questions with allocated time 2.5-3 hours.

        Be Ready to Pass Your Next Oracle Certification Exam

        Oracle Exam Prep Seminar is recorded video streaming delivered by Oracle top instructors. Each recording provides objected-focused review in a structured study plan format. Candidates can review exam topics, identify and close knowledge gaps and build confidence before taking the exam. Exam Prep Seminars are available as Seminar Only and Seminar Packages. Packages include: recording, exam voucher and FREE retake voucher. Learn more.

        Act Now! Upgrade Your Java Certification

        35% Discount on qualifying upgrade Java exams ends December 31, 2016. Learn more.

        Tell Us Your Story

        Java Certification Recognition T-shirt offer is extended to March 31, 2017. All eligible candidates who earn a Java Certification during June 1 - March 31, 2017 receive a Java Certified t-shirt for their achievement. Share your story and post a photo in your Java certified t-shirt on our social media channels. Get Java certified!

        Upcoming Retirement

        June 1, 2017
        1Z0-141 | Oracle Forms: Build Internet Applications

        Explore Oracle Certification today! 

        Train Now to Optimize Your Oracle Private Cloud Appliance


        Administration of the Oracle Private Cloud Appliance enables cost reduction.

        Eliminate multi-vendor integration, remove the risk of cabling, hardware or software configuration errors & reduce time needed to deploy new applications.

        It enables you to license only the software that is used, and not the capacity.

        Training for this converged infrastructure solution consists of understanding this pre-configured Oracle server, Oracle software, network, and storage hardware and will allow you to run applications in a virtualization environment.

        S Oracle Private Cloud Appliance: Overview Ed 1
        This course introduces essential concepts for administration and operation of the virtualization environment hosted by the Private Cloud Appliance.

        Oracle Private Cloud Appliance: Administration Ed 1NEW
        This course helps you develop the skills to provide and support Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) with the Private Cloud Appliance.

        These courses will help you learn how to:

        • Review the hardware and software as installed and configured in the Private Cloud Appliance.
        • Monitor the health of hardware.
        • Allocate memory, CPU, network, and storage resources for effective virtualization support.
        • Create, deploy, manage, and delete virtual machines.
        • Configure the allocation of IaaS resources.
        • Configure the Private Cloud Appliance Oracle VM environment in which virtualized servers run.
        • Provide Infrastructure as a Service with Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control.
        • Configure the Private Cloud Appliance Oracle VM environment in which virtualized servers run.
        • Provide Infrastructure as a Service with Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control.

        Take interactive courses through Oracle Universityto experience these benefits.

        We would love to hear your thoughts in the comments below!

        Oracle Key Vault 12.2 BP3 is Now Available

        Bundle Patch 3 (BP3) of Oracle Key Vault 12.2 is now available.  This release delivers new capabilities and several improvements including: Persistent master key caching to enhance database continuity in the event the OKV server is unavailable Integration with the Thales nShield Connect 6000+... [Read More]

        Enhancing ICS Mappings with Custom Java Classes by Ricardo Ferreira




        One of the most common tasks performed during the creation of integrations in ICS (Integration Cloud Service) is the implementation of mappings. In a nutshell, mappings are the resources that ICS uses to allow messages coming from the configured source application to be sent to the configured target application. Failure in properly defining and configuring these mappings directly impacts how integrations are going to behave while sending messages downstream.

        In order to build mappings in ICS, users make use of the mapping editor. The mapping editor allows for the creation of complex XPath expressions via an intuitive drag-and-drop interface. Besides the support for XPath expressions, it is also possible to use built-in XSLT functions available within the Mapping Components section of the mapping editor, as shown in figure 1.

        However, it is not uncommon to find situations in which the set of built-in functions is not adequate to perform a specific data handling operation. When that happens, most people using ICS feel they’ve hit a roadblock due to the fact that there is no way to simply add a custom function. While there is always the possibility to open an SR (Service Request) within Oracle and request an enhancement, sometimes this is not possible because the ongoing project requires at least a workaround in order to be able to finish the use case in a timely manner.

        This blog is going to show how classes from ICS’s Fusion Middleware foundation can be leveraged to provide custom data handling in mappings. To illustrate this, the following sections will show how to perform Base64 data decoding, using a utility class from the Oracle WebLogic API.

        Programming in XLST Directly

        In contrast to what many people think, ICS is not a black box. You can access pretty much everything that is generated by ICS when you export the integration, as shown in figure 2. Once you have access to the integration archive file, you can see what ICS generated for you and in case of mappings, even change it. Read the complete article here.

        SOA & BPM Partner Community

        For regular information on Oracle SOA Suite become a member in the SOA & BPM Partner Community for registration please visit www.oracle.com/goto/emea/soa (OPN account required) If you need support with your account please contact the Oracle Partner Business Center.


        Using eBS Adapter in Integration Cloud Service – Part 2: Configure and Test ISG REST Services by Stefan Koser




        Integration Cloud Service (ICS) enables connecting applications in the cloud or on-premise. It also provides an adapter for Oracle eBusiness Suite. This eBS adapter is different than the eBS adapter in SOA Suite – it does not use a database connection. Instead it uses the REST services provided by eBS as part of Integrated SOA Gateway (ISG).

        This article describes the steps needed to get eBusiness Suite including ISG REST services ready – either for using it with any REST client or with ICS. ISG requires some additional patches on top of eBS 12.2.4 – this was shown in this first part , see here.

        In this second part, we will show how to enable the REST services, how to enable the metadata provider for ICS and test eBS REST services, first from a native REST client (SOAPUI) and then from ICS. All steps except chapter 4 are also relevant if you want to use Oracle eBusiness Suite ISG REST services without ICS.

        Chapter 1 – Configure Integrated SOA Gateway (ISG) in eBS 12.2.4

        Enabling ASADMIN User with the Integration Administrator Role

        We will execute the steps in section 3 of the MOS note:

        Log in to Oracle E-Business Suite as a SYSADMIN user and enter the associated password.
        Expand the User Management responsibility from the main menu of the Oracle E-Business Suite Home Page.

        Click the Users link to open the User Maintenance page (under “Vision Enterprises”)
        Enter ‘ASADMIN’ in the User Name field and click Go to retrieve the ‘ASADMIN’ user.

        Click the Update icon next to the ASADMIN user to open the Update User window.
        Remove the Active To date field and click Apply.

        Click the Reset Password icon next to ASADMIN user to open the Reset Password window. Make sure that ASADMIN’s password is at least eight characters long.
        Enter new password twice and click Submit.

        In the Update User window, click Assign Roles.
        In the search window, select Code from the Search By drop-down list and enter “UMX|FND_IREP_ADMIN” in the value text box.
        Click Select.
        Enter a justification in the Justification field and click Apply. You will see a confirmation message indicating you have successfully assigned the role.

        In my case, a warning is displayed (which can be ignored because the server is restarted later anyway):

        Updates to Role data will not be visible in the application until the following processes are started : Workflow Background Engine. Read the complete article here.

        SOA & BPM Partner Community

        For regular information on Oracle SOA Suite become a member in the SOA & BPM Partner Community for registration please visit www.oracle.com/goto/emea/soa (OPN account required) If you need support with your account please contact the Oracle Partner Business Center.


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