Channel: Oracle Bloggers
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A-Team Article: Lift and Shift to Oracle Data Integrator Cloud Service (ODICS)


Moving to the Cloud or interested in doing so?Interested in data movement and transformation?Read this A-Team article by Christophe Dupupet:Lift and Shift to Oracle Data Integrator Cloud Service (ODICS) : Moving your Repository to the Cloud

Oracle Data Integrator (ODI) is available as a Cloud Service: Oracle Data Integrator Cloud Service (ODICS). For customers who are interested in a subscription model for their ODI installation and want to integrate and transform data in the Cloud, this is the solution.

For customers who already have ODI developments on-premise, and want to migrate their existing, on-premise repository to the Cloud, read for a quick step by step approach in performing this repository migration.





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Oracle Certified Expert, Oracle Exadata X5 Administrator 

需通过考试:1Z0-070 Oracle Exadata X5 Administration

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Database 12cR2 Administration Certified Professional

需通过考试:Database 12cR2 Administration Certified Professional

MySQL Cloud Service 2018 Certified Implementation Specialist

需通过考试:MySQL Cloud Service 2018 Certified Implementation Specialist

Oracle Private Cloud Appliance 2017 Certified Implementation Specialist

需通过考试:Oracle Private Cloud Appliance 2017 Certified Implementation Specialist


New Oracle Sales Cloud et Oracle Service Cloud implementation workshop dates for EMEA Partners

We are pleased to announce new implementation workshop dates for bot Oracle Sales Cloud and Oracle Service Cloud for our EMEA partners. These workshops are free of charge and are delivered remotely.  

Sales Cloud at EMEA time zone

  • 5th - 9th June, 2017
  • 14th - 18th August, 2017
  • 16th - 20th October, 2017
  • 4th - 8th December, 2017

Service Cloud, Functional at EMEA time zone

  • 10th - 14th July, 2017
  • 20th - 24th November, 2017

Service Cloud, Technical at EMEA time zone

  • 31st July - 4th August, 2017
  • 11th - 15th December, 2017

オラクルサポート・ニュースレター Vol.160 公開のお知らせ

PaaS & Middleware Partner YouTube Update April 2017


PaaS Partner Community Forum special edition from Split includes:

  • PaaS best practices & success for digital transformation
  • PaaS free trial service chabot – simply send us a message via our Facebook page
  • SOA & BPM Partner Community Webcasts April 25th 2017

For regular information please become a member in the free SOA & BPM Partner Community http://www.oracle.com/goto/emea/soaFor regular updates please subscribe to our YouTube channel here. Thanks for your likes and sharing the video on YouTube and LinkedIn. For the latest WebLogic & Developer Partner Community information please visit our Community update wiki here (Community membership required)

WebLogic Partner Community

For regular information become a member in the WebLogic Partner Community please visit: http://www.oracle.com/partners/goto/wls-emea ( OPN account required). If you need support with your account please contact the Oracle Partner Business Center.


Technorati Tags: YouTube,PaaS,Cloud,Middleware Update,WebLogic,WebLogic Community,Oracle,OPN,Jürgen Kress

BPM 12c Migration – A Deep Dive into a Simple 10g Process Migration by Aaron Dolan



Since Oracle BPM 12c was released this summer, many of our legacy BPM 10g customers have begun to ask what to expect from the migration path.  As my colleague Suyash Khot discussed in his article Oracle BPM 12c Migration - A Hand of Friendship to Oracle BPM 10g, Oracle has luckily given us a migration utility to kick-start the process of moving code from Oracle BPM 10g to Oracle BPM 12c.  While this utility is incredibly valuable and indeed very easy to use, it is well worth discussing the advantages and challenges this conversion presents us with.

This is the first in a series of articles where I’ll explore how various 10g coding patterns are translated into 12c and how we might overcome some of the issues this presents us with.  While in many cases the conversion is clean and maintenance-free, in other cases there is work to be done and issues to be on the lookout for.

In preparation for this article, I created a very simple, happy path Order Entry process in Oracle BPM 10g:   

You’ll notice that this consists of the “Place Customer Order” Global Creation Activity that calls the “PlaceCustomerOrderSF” screenflow: Read the complete article here.

SOA & BPM Partner Community

For regular information on Oracle SOA Suite become a member in the SOA & BPM Partner Community for registration please visit www.oracle.com/goto/emea/soa (OPN account required) If you need support with your account please contact the Oracle Partner Business Center.


Technorati Tags: SOA Community,Oracle SOA,Oracle BPM,OPN,Jürgen Kress

Oracle France distingue Chéops, Nell Armonia, Techsys, Wexlog pour leur investissement dans le cloud


A l'occasion d'Oracle Partner Executive Forum qui s'est déroulé le 1er mars à Paris, Oracle France a annoncé lors d’une cérémonie les 4 lauréats des prix : Specialized Partner of the Year – France.

Le prix Specialized Partner of the Year  fait partie des récompenses
Oracle Excellence Awards. Il distingue les partenaires OPN Specialized pour leurs solutions innovantes et leurs succès commerciaux.

Cette année ce sont CHEOPS TECHNOLOGY, Nell’Armonia, Techsys et Wexlog qui ontété récompensés pour leur investissement et leur expertise dans  le Cloud Oracle.

« Avec cetévènement, Oracle a souhaité honorer les partenaires ayant fait preuve d'une performance exceptionnelle. Les entreprises qui ont été récompensées ont su adapter leur stratégie, faire évoluer leur offre mais surtout elles ontégalement su obtenir des résultats concrets pour leurs clients afin de les aider dans leur transformation digitale. » explique Christophe Bougot, Alliances & Channel Director d’Oracle France.

Quatre prix ont ainsi été attribués aux partenaires d’Oracle France :

·    Le prix« SaaS Cloud Transformation » attribuéà Nell’ Armonia

Nell'Armonia experte en solutions de pilotage de la performance d’entreprise a été récompensée pour son investissement dans le cloud, depuis plus de 2 ans. Cette stratégie se concrétise par le développement des solutions Oracle EPM Cloud chez les clients.

·    Le prix« PaaS Cloud Transformation » attribuéà Techsys

Techsys spécialisée en TECHnique et SYStèmes.Ses compétences s'articulent autour de la définition, de la mise en place et de l'administration des infrastructures informatiques supportant des projets applicatifs. Elle a été récompensée pour son leadership concernant sa transformation digitale via le cloud d’Oracle.

·    Le prix« Technology Iaas Cloud Transformation » attribuéà Wexlog

Wexlog développe des produits et fournit du support pour les acteurs du marché du Transport et de la Logistique. Weblog France héberge ses applications surOracle Cloud et propose son application dans un modèle SaaS.

·       Le prix « Technology Cloud Infrastructure » attribuéà CHEOPS TECHNOLOGY

CHEOPS TECHNOLOGY, specialiste dans le domaine des infrastructures informatique, a démontré des compétences Oracle élevées dans la construction, le déploiement et la vente de leur solution Cloud Privée, iCOD RCO, basée sur une infrastructure Oracle.

EMM AppConfig Cordova plugin released

EMM (Enterprise Mobility Management) is the technology of managing mobile devices, wireless networks, and other mobile computing services in a business context.

EMM servers allow administrators to configure mobile apps via a web console and apply the configuration to the app on every managed device as part of the app installation process.  This configuration typically consists of generic name-value pairs defined by the app developer, such as URI, port numbers, tenant ids or skin configurations.

Android & iOS support this functionality natively, but retrieving app configuration data and being alerted when it has changed is just as important for Cordova-based hybrid mobile apps. 

To make this possible, the Oracle JavaScript Extension Toolkit (JET) team has developed the cordova-plugin-emm-app-config plugin.  This plugin allows the app developer to retrieve the app configuration data at any point in the app lifecycle, including when the app configuration has been changed on the EMM server. 

This plugin is not limited to Oracle JET apps.  Make use of this plugin to enable your Cordova-based hybrid mobile app to retrieve app configuration data and to be alerted when this data has changed.

For more information on implementing various EMM features, including managed app configuration, refer to the AppConfig Community.

Twitter Chat on Content and Why We Should All Join


I am in product marketing. Call it professional hazard but my day to day work life involves working with content – producing new content, putting together an outline for an asset in collaboration with sales, product management and business development or building content for an asset, reviewing asset content or sending it for reviews, working with internal marketing teams and external agencies and publishing content, both for internal and external consumption. So, yes, I am clearly interested and invested in making my life easier when it comes to content production and publication.

But over the course of the last couple of years, I found out that it wasn’t just me or the content management team sitting within the IT department that has a stake in content discussions. My peers in web marketing, campaign marketing, field marketing, our friends in sales, application integration or application development are all vested in driving and discussing trends in content management, especially those that impact their means of consumption and delivery of content.

Whether you work in content management, marketing, IT, brand compliance or are simply a consumer of content (aren’t we all?), you should have your voice heard by content management providers and industry thought leaders on what works and what would make your work life significantly easier.

And here’s your opportunity. On Thursday, April 20th at 10 a.m. PST/ 1 p.m. EST, there is a live tweet chat on all things content. I strongly urge you to participate in the live discussion on twitter. Use#contentdgtl to follow the discussion and chime in. Challenge the status quo, get your thoughts heard and participate so that industry people know where the future of content should be headed.

Join the live chat (you can use any of the twitter chat platforms like TweetChat for example) using #contentdgtl and be a part of this important discussion.

I am in. Are you?

Electronic Fiscal Devices (EFDs) and PSRM


This post about Electronic Fiscal Devices (EFDs) and PSRM was inspired by an interesting IMF working paper published by the International Monetary Fund about the impact of Electronic Fiscal Devices (EFDs) on taxpayer compliance and Administrative Efficiency.

The term Electronic Fiscal Device (EFD) can be used to describe a wide variety of technological devices that revenue administrations can use to help monitor business transactions. These devices include a "fiscal read-only memory" or/and they are connected real-time to a data warehouse to allow the tax authority to store and analyze the data as soon as the transaction occurs.

This is a way for the tax authority to catch the details about each sales transaction, for example:

Invoice Example

The IMF paper authors interviewed many tax authorities to understand their expectations from the adoption of EFDs getting a clear indication of what they expect: Tax Authorities expect to maximize revenue collections increasing the voluntary compliance.

This is a challenging expectation, but is commensurate with the effort required to start an EFDs initiative. EFDs adoption requires, in most cases, a change in the local legislation, the installation of EFD devices in any commercial activity, a set up of the infrastructure to collect the data and of course the definition of business analytics. 

But this effort is still not enough to reach the objective. The adoption of a technology does not push automatically the taxpayers that are not compliant to change their habits.

The data coming from EFDs and their analytics are precious, but they need to feed a process designed to profile the taxpayers and isolate the "bad taxpayers" or at least, those taxpayers behaviors that deviate from the expected patters and require a further audit, field investigation, interview, etc.

PSRM can play a very interesting role in controlling and monitoring the framework joining the information coming from EFDs analytics with the events that occur (or not) on the taxpayers's account: taxpayer profile, filing, payments, refunds, taxpayer's request, collection, audit, etc.: 

Click on the image above to make it bigger.

The benefits of a PSRM and EFDs joint solution are many:

  • Real-Time Identification of potential fraud or inaccurate taxpayers electronic data submission
  • Monitor installed Fiscal Devices data submission vs Taxpayers Obligations to File
  • Embedded inclusion of certified VAT transactions data repository during VAT Returns validation and processing
  • Real-Time update of Taxpayers VAT Risk Profiles

The last item is particularly important: PSRM knows the details about the tax return filed by a taxpayer, EFDs analytics can determine the expected range of revenue declared by similar taxpayers running a business in the same industry, in the same geographical area, with similar number of employees, etc. Joining the two information:

  • PSRM can automatically trigger actions when the taxpayer behavior is not within certain boundaries:
    • Tasks can be assigned to qualified group of PSRM users for review
    • Audit cases can be automatically created and assigned
    • Field investigations activities automatically triggered
  • User working in PSRM have an immediate benchmark about the "quality" of the taxpayer they are working on and they can use that information in their daily operations when, for example, they need to approve a refund, issue a tax clearance certificate, etc. 

Conclusion: The adoption of PSRM together with EFDs can significantly increase compliance and I see this as a two phases process:

  • In the first phase of adoption of the new framework, the compliance increase is due due to the tax authority audit, enforcement activities and direct engagement with the taxpayer
  • In the medium-long term the increase in compliance is due to voluntary compliance because the taxpayer community is aware about tax authority strategy and the processes in place to monitor and control the framework

Business Value = Technology + Good Processes + People

REST Services und Application Express 5.1 - Teil 1


REST Client AssistantDie Anforderung, mit REST Services zu arbeiten, haben auch Application Express-Entwickler mehr und mehr auf dem Schreibtisch. Zwar können Web Service Referenzen für REST Services in den Gemeinsamen Komponenten eingerichtet werden; die Unterstützung ist jedoch recht limitiert: So muss die JSON-Antwort, die der REST Service sendet, typischerweise manuell geparst und verarbeitet werden. 

Allerdings bringt Application Express 5.1 zwei neue Packaged Applications für REST Services mit: Den REST Client Assistant und Sample REST ServicesDieser Community Tipp zeigt auf, wie man einen externen REST Service, mit Hilfe des REST Client Assistant, in seine eigene APEX-Anwendung einbinden kann. Dabei wird aller SQL und PL/SQL Code zum Aufrufen des Service oder zum JSON-Parsing vom REST Client Assistant generiert.

REST Services and Application Express 5.1 - Part 1


REST Client AssistantMore and more Application Express developers are faced with the requirement to integrate REST services or HTTP/JSON data feeds into their applications. Application Express provides great support for SOAP web services, but for REST services using JSON to exchange data, the built-in functionality is limited. For instance, all the JSON parsing has to be done manually by employing PL/SQL code or SQL functions.

Application Express 5.1 contains two new packaged applications are provided for REST service integration: REST Client Assistant and Sample REST Services.

This article will show how you can integrate an external REST service or an HTTP/JSON data feed into your APEX application - and how the REST Client Assistant will help you with that: All required SQL and PL/SQL code will be generated for you!

Explore Cloud Computing Architecture through Hands-On Oracle OpenStack for Linux Training


Oracle OpenStack is packaged as a set of Docker images.

Streamline installation and running within Docker containers. This gets rid of the need to install components individually and directly on nodes. 

Take Oracle OpenStack for Oracle Linux: Getting Started training if you're new to OpenStack. You'll get a chance to deep dive into the steps involved in achieving a multi-node deployment, while learning key tips to empower your troubleshooting.

Explore cloud computing architecture, core and optional services, Docker images and containers, a multi-node deployment, and troubleshooting deployments.

    Get started today!

    Benefit One streamlines service with Oracle Service Cloud


    Benefit One cuts up to 10% of operating costs and improves satisfaction with Oracle Service Cloud.

    "With Oracle Service Cloud, we cut phone inquiries by 10%, increased monthly FAQ site visits by 3.5x, and expanded FAQ content to 600 items instead of 30." said Sayaka Takegata, CS Team Manager.

    Read how and why…

    Angel Broking improves relationships thanks to Oracle Service Cloud


    Angel Broking utilizes Oracle Service Cloud to gain a 360 degree view of customers and improve relationships.

    "Oracle Service Cloud helped us increase the productivity of our agents by improving the process flows and preserving a comprehensive 360 degree view."  Said Reena Shahi, AVP

    Here is the full quote

    Oracle SQL Developer v4.2 Is Now Available


    Today is the day! We have new releases of both SQL Developer and SQL Developer Data Modeler.

    click here for SQLDev 4.2

    I’ve been talking about v4.2 tweaks and enhancements for awhile now, and here’s the full list if you want to go back and review.

    I’d like to share a few highlights though.

    But first, FULL STOP. Go click that big button to the top and left.

    Ok, let’s continue.


    I’d like to thanks the entire community for all the feedback, especially those of you who provided test code to exercise the new formatter. We made a few changes since the Early Adopter 2 update – tons of bug fixes, and tweaked the options a bit more based on your feedback.

    With 4.2 now live in production, if our parser (and accordingly our formatter) doesn’t understand your code, we just won’t format it. In the EA’s we printed comments that showed the code bits we didn’t understand. For v4.2 production you should just see the parser ‘squiggle’ indicating where the code isn’t being interpreted correctly. Please share your code samples with MOS and the community if you think that’s a bug.

    Make your code, pretty.

    Some things of note:

    • The preferences have moved AND changed from version 4.1. They’re now under the Code Editor page, and should also be simpler to understand now.
    • There’s a ‘simple’ mode, and advanced mode, and an uber-expert mode.
    • In advanced mode, you can format your code by hand, paste it into the preferences, and we’ll auto-detect how you want your code to look going forward.
    • In uber-expert mode, you can tell the formatter exactly what to do to your code. Our developer Vadim has a couple of blog posts showing how to do this with examples.
    formatter preferences in oracle sql developer

    Type code, as the formatter sees ‘stuff’ it changes the formatting options – these are highlighted in Green so you can see what’s changed.

    Instance Viewer

    Not a new feature – we first introduced the Instance Viewer in version 4.1. But we now offer a ‘Top SQL’ report. See your expensive queries, and drill down into them to see what’s going on or fix them.

    sql developer top sql animated gif

    Pretty colors, plus some interesting bits of data.

    The licensing prompts on the drill down report let’s you know that the SQL Tuning Advisor and Run time history reports require the tuning and diagnostic packs, respectively. If you don’t click on those reports, then there’s nothing to worry about.

    Everything the Instance Viewer hits on the main panel is of the ‘no additional cost’ data dictionary views category.

    Easy Peasy Password Resets

    No more requiring an Oracle Client to change your database passwords when you’re not already connected. Maybe the most compelling reason to upgrade your end users.

    More details here.

    right click connection to reset password in oracle sql developer

    Yup, this one.

    12c Release Two Enhancements

    We support big-ole object names now.

    You CAN do this. Not sure you SHOULD do this though.

    And you can create Analytic Views too!

    And the Multitenant option got a lot of upgrades. Among them, Application Containers. We support those too.

    Go to the DBA panel for your CDB.

    New to 12cR2? Did you know our VirtualBox VM was upgraded to 12.2? Also has APEX 5.1 and ORDS 309 for ya.

    Speaking of ORDS…

    You can now manage your RESTful Services directly in the database connection tree! This is much easier than setting up your ORDS Dev user connection. You’ll see the new REST item in the tree, and I talk about this here.

    oracle rest data services modules

    Note the ‘REST Data Services’ item on the tree.

    And the Modeler!

    I think the biggest two changes of note are the ability to include your diagrams in your HTML and PDF reports AND the ability to now store your repository in GIT.

    On the diagrams, you can ask to include them in your reports AND you can just directly print them to HTML/SVG.

    File..Print Digram…

    And we get..

    sql developer data modeler diagram html


    Now, here’s the deal on the GIT stuff. You’re still going to be using SQL Developer Data Modeler to manage your designs in your repository. AND, the modeler will still be making SVN calls. But, GIT supports SVN calls. We’ve optimized how we create the files so that this will work.

    Et cetera and potpourii

    This marks the end of the SQL Developer version 4.X releases. We’re moving towards a quarterly release schedule to synchronize up with our Database Cloud Services updates. So our next version will start with a 17 – for 2017, then quarter (1,2,3,4), then week.

    This release also ships with the fewest known number of bugs…ever…for a SQL Developer release. We hate bugs. So we tried to kill ’em all. I’m sure you’ll find some more. Let us know. We’ll be able to release updates more frequently, getting you bug fixes that much faster.


    Oracle SQL Developer v4.2 Is Now Available

    Today is the day! We have new releases of both SQL Developer and SQL Developer Data Modeler. I’ve been talking about v4.2 tweaks and enhancements for awhile now, and here’s the full list if you want to go back and review. I’d like to share a few highlights though. But first, FULL STOP. Go click that... [Read More]

    Partner Webcast, April 20th – An Enterprise-grade Cloud Platform for Your MySQL Customers

    Join the Partner Webcast – An Enterprise-grade Cloud Platform for Your MySQL Customers
    OfferThursday, April 20th
    13pm CET
    (12pm BST/14pm EET)
    Register Nowcta-arrow

    About the Webcast
    Many customers are implementing a dual database strategy, running some of their applications on the Oracle Database, and using Oracle MySQL, the leading open source database for others. If some of your customers are in this situation you want to be able to offer them the possibility to deploy both in the cloud.

    Oracle MySQL Cloud Service brings the #1 open source database to the Oracle Cloud. The only public cloud service integrating MySQL Enterprise Edition, it represents the most comprehensive MySQL offering in the cloud to rapidly, securely and cost-effectively develop & deploy modern applications.

    In this webcast, exclusive for Oracle partners, you will understand how Oracle MySQL Cloud Service in the Oracle Cloud provides you an additional entry point to the Oracle Cloud, how you can sell subscriptions for Oracle MySQL Cloud Service to your customers either already using or considering to use MySQL, while you maintain account control.
    Find out morecta-arrow
    bulletMySQL Background
    bulletWhy Oracle Partners should be interested in MySQL
    bulletMySQL Cloud Services Overview
    bulletTarget Use Cases
    bulletSales Tactics
    bulletSubscription Offering and Pricing
    bulletSummary – Q&A
    bulletJavier Puerta
    Director, DB Cloud & Infrastructure Partner Programs,
    Oracle EMEA
    bulletMark Swarbrick
    Consultant, MySQL Sales, Oracle EMEA
    bulletSandeep Patel
    Oracle Presales Architect, Oracle Account Team, TD Azlan UK
    Delivery Format
    This FREE online LIVE eSeminar will be delivered over the Web. Registrations received less than 24 hours prior to start time may not receive confirmation to attend.

    Date: Thursday, Apr 20th, 13 pm CET (12pm BST/14pm EET)
    Register Herecta-arrow
    Contact Us: partner.imc@beehiveonline.oracle.com

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    Oracle Cloud Consulting Skills for Partners : new dates!


    Following the high demand for the Oracle Cloud Consulting Skills for Partners (Training On Demand), we are adding new sessions in 2017.

    The Consulting Skills course is a compilation of best practices and observations collected over decades of experiences. It is designed to boost the effectiveness of anyone who is in a customer facing role. The course material has content for approximately 2 days of study time.

    Learn to:

    • Increase your awareness of the skills required to be a world class consultant
    • Learn specific techniques for improving your overall performance
    • Learn what it means to be a leader.


    • Implementation Consultants
    • Technical Consultants
    • Project Managers

    See details and register by clicking on any of the below 2017 training session dates :

    Join the Oracle Data Cloud’s AddThis team of engineers!


    AddThis team members volunteering at Food for Others.

    Oracle Data Cloud’s AddThis, which enables companies to understand consumer behavior across all media channels, has open engineering positions in Vienna, Virginia. If you want a career in technology that constantly involves you in challenging projects that develop your skills, and that offers excellent compensation and a relaxed, diverse work environment, then this may be the job you’ve been waiting for.

    About Oracle Data Cloud’s AddThis

    On January 5, 2016 Oracle announced that it signed an agreement to acquire AddThis, a leading provider of publisher personalization, audience insight and activation tools that powers 15 million websites and enables unmatched audience segment quality, scale and insight.

    Oracle Data Cloud is the fastest growing global Data as a Service (DaaS) business, operating the most accurate data ID GraphTM to enable understanding of consumer behavior across all media channels. Oracle Data Cloud ingests third-party data, extracts value, and activates the data to drive insights and harness this knowledge for targeting, personalization and measurement. With the addition of AddThis, Oracle Data Cloud’s offering is expected to deliver unprecedented levels of audience insight, measurement and reach.

    Working for the Oracle Data Cloud AddThis Team

    Oracle Data Cloud’s AddThis makes every experience more personal on the web with powerful social tools, content recommendations and targeted advertisements. Be part of a brilliant team that’s changing how the world interacts with the web. We challenge ourselves to be the best, which is why we love hackathons and the freedom to break some rules. We love to inspire one another, and we work as hard as we play.

    AddThis team members pose for a photo at the Oracle Data Cloud’s AddThis holiday party. The theme in 2016 was “Game of Thrones.”

    Besides, Oracle Data Cloud’s AddThis is in an interesting location in Vienna, Virginia! It’s located in Tysons Corner, one of the biggest, most active developments in the area, with two big malls, movie theaters and great restaurants. And if you’re into being outdoors, there are lots of great hiking trails nearby. Also, Vienna is a 30-minute metro ride away from Washington D.C. So whether it’s the country or the city, there’s always something to do.

    Oracle benefits

    Since AddThis is now part of Oracle, you get to enjoy one of the most complete benefits packages in the industry, which includes:

    • ORACLEflex– Oracle’s ORACLEflex benefits program provides you a wide range of customizable medical and dental benefits plans to meet your specific health needs.
    • Oracle 401(k)– Oracle’s 401(k) Savings and Investment Plan offers you a way to plan for retirement, contribute to your long-term financial goals, and decide where to invest your money.
    • Employee Stock Purchase Plan– Oracle’s Employee Stock Purchase Plan lets you purchase Oracle common stock at a discounted market price.
    • Time off– Everyone needs a break once in a while. With several recognized paid holidays, paid vacation, a flexible sick-leave policy, and flexible work schedules, work/life balance is more than just a catchphrase at Oracle.
    • Employee Assistance Program (EAP)– The Oracle Employee Assistance Program offers referral services and confidential, personal assessment. EAP is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
    • Live and Work Well– Live and Work Well helps employees manage work and personal responsibilities by providing free advice, useful materials, and referrals to resources in areas for balancing work and personal life, locating child care and elder care, parenting, adoption, selecting schools, and chronic condition support.
    • Commuter Benefit Program– The Commuter Benefit Program allows employees to use pre-tax dollars to pay for eligible public transportation and/or parking expenses—up to the monthly pre-tax maximum through convenient payroll deductions.

    Openings on Oracle Data Cloud’s AddThis Team

    Oracle Talent Advisors are always searching for brilliant employees with an entrepreneurial spirit, looking for a work culture where innovation is the goal, hard work is expected, and creativity is rewarded. Oracle employees enjoy competitive salaries, excellent health benefits, and a network of like-minded coworkers that drive innovation across the entire technology industry.

    Some of the Oracle Data Cloud’s AddThis positions currently available include: Principal Java Engineer; Senior Data Science Engineer; Site Reliability Engineer. If you don’t see an opening that’s a fit here, visit the Oracle Careers page and search for “AddThis” in the keywords field to see all of our current open positions or email your resume and cover letter to Darnell Mills here.

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