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Tips and Tricks for best RMAN Backup and Recovery Performance. The new and spectacular 60TB/h backup and the 62TB/h recovery rates with the all new ZS5-4.


Are you interested in improving your RMAN Backup and Recovery? Specifically, the Level 0 backups plus daily incrementals with your ZFS Storage Appliance? Is your current vendor not providing the floor space/performance/price/raw capacity that you need? Are you hungry? Then keep on reading!

Just as you would make the perfect finger licking Mexican Taco (Yes, I am from Mexico!), there is a way to ensure maximum RMAN performance with an Oracle ZFS Storage and an Oracle Engineered system(X6-2 server). Of course, the level of complexity is probably not the same but you get the idea ;).

BIG NETWORK PIPES! That’s right, make sure your clients and your storage array are connected with InfiniBand. InfiniBand provides the biggest and most user friendly bandwidth pipes when it comes to RMAN backup and recovery (QDR IB 40Gbit). Each of these cards can allow up to 5.5GB/sec! Additionally, IB is supremely integrated with Oracle Exadata. Likewise, when preparing your taco you must make sure that the tortilla is big enough to fit all of your ingredients!

High bandwidth capable Servers! What good is it if your servers can’t recover at the speed of your storage array and network bandwidth? At a 80:20 split between Data and Reco, for example, most of our customers are hitting server bandwidth limitation or bad network integration issues (aka not supporting InfiniBand connectivity). Always make sure that your servers are compatible with InfiniBand and that they are InfiniBand friendly. Always buy tortillas from your trusted Mexican supermarket! Aka..not the commercial ones.

Choose your right data profile for you ZFS Pool! Raidz2 provides the best sequential/streaming IO for this type of workload. With its large vdevs , this type of ZFS data profile allows for the fastest and largest IO performance. Similar to Flour tortillas which support the heaviest ingredients but are less flexible than corn J .

Finally, make sure you add the right ingredients!

ZFS software level:recommended minimum of OS8.6.8, required minimum of OS8.6.5 (Avocado and Melted Mozzarella Cheese)

·        Exadata version:recommended minimum of, required minimum of (Freshly made green salsa)

·        Write flash:not utilized (Do not add Nacho Cheese)

·        Read flash:not utilized (Do not add Ghost Pepper)

·        Storage profile: Use Raidz2 data profile, if your workload is not 100% streaming or sequential, use Mirror data profile (Flour tortillas)

·        Network: InfiniBand (Big tortillas)

·        Protocol:Oracle Direct NFS(8 hour slow cooked Barbacoa)

Awesome marketing performance graph showing our 62TB/h restore and 60 TB/h backup rates!

Unbelievably, this number was achieved by using HDDs.

Thank you for reading and I hope I did not make you that hungry!

To learn more about the configuration details on how to achieve these numbers, please visit: 

Using an Oracle RMAN Recovery Catalog on Oracle ZFS Storage Appliance White Paper

 it can be found at: 


*Result disclosure: The performance information that you see on this blog is not ffficial or abided by Oracle. 

 Make sure you join the ZFS Storage User Group: Become an OZUG member!

See How Franck Pachot Stays One Step Ahead With Oracle Certification


In a long Oracle Database career that has spanned many versions and includes multiple database related certifications as well as the Oracle Certified Master designation, Ace Director Franck Pachot tells how he's continued to stay ahead and expand his knowledge and skills with Oracle Certification.

I started with Oracle certifications at the time of 8i. I had good experience on development side, but more limited on operation side. The certification, 4 exams at that time, was the way for me to prove my knowledge on *all* database domains, including operations. After that, I was able to find position on operation DBA side more easily without the 'did you administrate big critical databases in production?'. It was clearly more liberty in job seeking.

I really enjoyed the preparation of the exam because it forces you to learn all features, even those that you don't use daily, or even never used. At that time I discovered the Resource Manager for example, which was new, not widely used. It is now a key component in consolidation. It also helped me to know and appreciate RMAN which was not so friendly at that time. It quickly became the mostly used backup solution. Certification is a proactive way to learn and use features before they are widely adopted, so you are always in advance.

Then I passed the upgrades as soon as new versions came out, as early as the beta exams came out. Recruitment people often ask for years of experience in all technologies. This is clearly impossible on new versions, but employers and customers still asked 2 years experience on 12c when 12cR1 was out for 6 months only! Having passed the certification is the best you can do to show maximum experience even when nobody has the version in production yet. Once again, it is the way to have one step ahead.

In addition to OCP I also passed several OCE exams. They are not easy at all and require focused and deep knowledge, especially on new features. And then I passed the big one, the OCM 11g. This is an exam that really means something by itself: your knowledge and experience is at top so that you can make the right decision quickly on any unexpected situation. When recruiting a candidate who is certified master, there's no need to ask and test his skills: the certification says it all. As usual, I passed the OCM 12c upgrade as soon as it was available. This was big preparation, because all those new features were not widely used at that time (Multitenant, Flex ASM, etc.). But preparing on new version is a lot more motivating, driven by the curiosity of new features that you didn't use or didn't know yet.

In summary, the preparation of the exams is the best to learn all features of a product, because you have clear goals for your learning. You need to read documentation, and you need to test in your lab. And when you have prepared enough, I can assure you that the exam day can be really enjoyable.

【2017/4 Update】Systems Update/Price List

Updated Mobile and JCS customer presentations & references in ppt format


Sending Dynamic HTML-based Emails for SOA and BPM Projects by Mark Peterson



Sending email notifications in Oracle BPEL or BPM projects can turn into a major effort if you are not using ADF–and sometimes even if you are using ADF. If you use ADF, you can leverage features such as HTML editors and actionable emails. But in many situations you may need a stand-alone email formatting solution that doesn't involve ADF, that can produce a simple HTML-based email, and that doesn't need to be actionable. You will find that that simple SOA-based approach helps you implement your requirements efficiently and effectively.

This approach

  • Integrates with BPM and BPEL
  • Is HTML-based and can contain dynamic information from a database
  • Leverages BPEL and BPM direct assignments and role-based assignments
  • Includes a template selector, for sending different types of emails
  • Handles attachments
  • Intercepts and redirects emails for testing purposes

A detailed description of this email notification system is described below. Upon request we would be happy to provide the actual project code describe here.

Input XML

This is a sample of the input XML. Notice the data includes

SOA & BPM Partner Community

For regular information on Oracle SOA Suite become a member in the SOA & BPM Partner Community for registration please visit www.oracle.com/goto/emea/soa (OPN account required) If you need support with your account please contact the Oracle Partner Business Center.


Technorati Tags: SOA Community,Oracle SOA,Oracle BPM,OPN,Jürgen Kress

Training Thursdays: Private, Public and Hybrid Cloud with Oracle OpenStack


The Oracle OpenStack for Oracle Linux solution maintains the flexibility of OpenStack while allowing customers to deploy and manage public, private and hybrid cloud infrastructure.

Get the most out of the recently released Oracle OpenStack for Oracle Linux 3 by taking the Oracle OpenStack for Oracle Linux: Getting Started seminar. This course helps you understand all the concepts involved in this architecture and guides you through installation and configuration.

To get started on your learning straight away, take the Training-on-Demand format of this course. Alternatively you can register your interest in a:

  • Live-Virtual Event: Attend a live event from your own desk, no travel required. Events are added to the schedule to suit different time-zones.
  • In-Class Event: Travel to an education center to attend a class.


Oracle NoSQL Database on Docker


Docker makes it easier for developers to package, deploy and run applications by using Containers. It makes applications portable across operating systems running across Cloud platforms.

The latest release of Oracle NoSQL Database (version 4.3) is now available as Docker container on the Docker Hub. This means that if you have Docker already installed, you can get setup and running with Oracle NoSQL Database with just one command.

$ docker run -d --name=kvlite oracle/nosql

The Docker container for Oracle NoSQL Database would download the latest Oracle NoSQL Database Community Edition and jump-start the kvlite instance, a single node - single shard Oracle NoSQL Database store. Developers can start playing around with Oracle NoSQL Database including some of the new and exciting features of version 4.3 in no time.

Oracle NoSQL Database provides strong security support and starting with version 4.3, the security would be enabled by default. Please note that, however, the Docker version by default bootstraps the kvlite instance with security disabled. 

CMD ["java","-jar", "lib/kvstore.jar", "kvlite","-secure-config", "disable"]

Building your own Docker version with security enabled is very simple.

  1. Clone github.com/oracle/docker-images/nosql
  2. Update 4.3.11/Dockerfile to include following command that will bring up the secured kvlite instance when the container is run
CMD ["java", "-jar", "lib/kvstore.jar", "kvlite"]
  1. To connect to the secured kvlite instance, please follow the command to start the CLI as noted in the Oracle NoSQL Database documentation, here.

Oracle NoSQL Database Docker container will get you started and you are ready to play with storing and retrieving data in minutes, but there is a lot more you can do with this. Abhishek Gupta put together a simple Jersey (JAX-RS implementation) web application that uses Oracle NoSQL Database over REST APIs. In this example, he builds 2 Docker containers, one for Oracle NoSQL Database and another that runs the Jersey application. You can follow these simple steps and simply extend the web application to build your own Oracle NoSQL Database application.

Happy coding!

Docker and Docker logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Docker, Inc. in the United States and/or other countries. Docker, Inc. and other parties may also have trademark rights in other terms used herein.

Oracle Analytics Cloud: An Ihr Unternehmen angepasste Schwerpunkte sind ihre Stärke


Von Jose Villacis

Bei Business Analytics geht es immer darum, dass Sie die Schwerpunkte richtig setzen: Agilität oder Kontrolle; Selbstbedienung oder Full Service; Geschäfts- oder IT-Orientierung; Innovation oder Produktpflege. Es ist ein ständiger Kampf um Ausgewogenheit, und oft geht viel zu viel Energie dafür drauf, diese Elemente in Einklang zu bringen. 

Wir bei Oracle finden, dass es Aufgabe Ihres Anbieters ist, die Knochenarbeit zu erledigen. Also sind wir mit gutem Beispiel vorangegangen und haben eine neue strategische Plattform für Sie: Oracle Analytics Cloud (OAC). 

OAC versetzt Sie in die Lage, jede Frage an jeden beliebigen Datensatz zu stellen – in jeder Umgebung, mit jedem Gerät. Die Plattform kombiniert die Darstellung von Selbstbedienung mit Best-practice Data Management, Szenario-Modeling, What-if-Analysen und operationalen Berichten. Auf diese Weise erhält ihre gesamte Organisation bedarfsgerecht angepasste Business-Analysen.

Was macht bei OAC den Unterschied aus? – Es ist die einzigartige Kombination von Flexibilität und Kontrolle, die Ihnen kollaborative, verbundene und vollständige Optionen für Ihre Analysen bietet:

1. Kollaborativ: Eine neue Arbeitsweise wird möglich
Proaktiv selbstlernende Erkenntnisgewinnung, intelligente Visualisierungen und Daten, die Storytelling einfach drauf haben – so werden Kooperation und Innovation auf ein neues Level gehoben. Mit OAC setzen Sie eine Plattform ein, die die kollektive Intelligenz von Mitarbeitern, Prozessen und Anlagen nutzt, damit Sie die Früchte der digitalen Transformation ernten können. 

2. Verbunden: So kriegen die richtigen Leute die richtigen Daten zur richtigen Zeit
Mit einer Liste von über 50 Datenquellen (und es werden immer noch mehr) ermöglicht OAC es auf einfache Weise, dass Ihre Mitarbeiter genau die Informationen bekommen, die sie brauchen. Und genauso helfen Open Integration Frameworks dabei, Analysen über alle Geschäftsprozesse hinweg zu verbinden, die Arbeit zu erleichtern und ein optimales Nutzererlebnis zu gewährleisten. 

3. Vollständig: OAC bietet Organisationen alles Nötige für Analysen jeder Größenordnung
Die Plattform kann buchstäblich alles von Visualisierungen bei Selbstbedienung und Datenaufbereitung über Geschäftsberichte und Advanced Analytics bis hin zu dynamischen nutzerdefinierten What-if-Modellierungen oder modernen social und kontextabhängigen mobile Analytics. 

4. Optionen: Beste Wahlfreiheit für Unternehmen 
OAC ist in verschiedenen Leistungsstufen erhältlich, die auch flexibel wählbar sind – einschließlich eines nutzungsabhängigen Preismodells, mit dem Sie einfach das bekommen, benutzen und bezahlen, was Sie brauchen und wann Sie es brauchen. 

So bleiben Ihre Analytics im Gleichgewicht 

Die Einführung von Analytics hat sich nicht überall im gleichen Tempo entwickelt. Deshalb gibt es klarerweise keine einheitliche Patentlösung für den Erfolg. Das gilt besonders für die Frage Hybrid-Cloud oder On-Premise-Lösung. Manchmal ist eine „schlüsselfertige“ Cloudlösung das Richtige; in anderen Fällen empfiehlt sich eine Cloudumgebung, wo Sie alle Knöpfe und Regler wie bei der On-Premise-Lösung selbst bedienen können – das Problem ist, dass Sie bisher nie nach Belieben zwischen On Premise und Cloud wechseln konnten. Bei Oracle Analytics Cloud müssen Sie sich nicht für eins von beiden entscheiden – Sie kriegen beides zugleich, und zwar maßgeschneidert für den Bedarf Ihrer Organisation, heute wie in der Zukunft.

OAC beinhaltet Oracle Data Visualization [Beispiele s. o.]; Oracle Business Intelligence und bringt erstmals einen neuen Satz von Ressourcen für die Cloud —Oracle Essbase Cloud; ein Smartview Add-in für MS Office; und Oracle Day by Day (eine neue native mobile App) [siehe nachfolgendes Video]: 

Sie können OAC als alleinige Analyticslösung oder parallel mit anderen Oracle Analyticslösungen einsetzen. Wenn Sie z. B. derzeit Oracle Data Visualization Cloud Service (DVCS) oder Oracle Business Intelligence Cloud Service (BICS) nutzen und diese Dienste zusammen mit OAC einsetzen wollen: kein Problem. Oder wenn Sie Oracle Essbase on premise im Einsatz haben, werden Sie entdecken, dass die neuen Features von Oracle Essbase Cloud gute Dienste leisten, etwa Modeling in Excel, Essbase innerhalb von Minuten uploaden, Design by Example, Sandboxing usw.


Weitere Informationen bekommen Sie auf der Oracle Analytics Cloud Seite. Oder Sie sprechen mir mir, per E-Mail oder LinkedIn. Jose Villacis, Senior Group Manager, Analytics Cloud Product Marketing.

Just Released! SQL Developer 4.2 - Data Modeler 4.2 - SQLcl 4.2

DB Auditing and ORDS

There seems to be some confusion around how ORDS works with it's connection pooling yet running the REST call as the specified schema. The connection pool Consider a 50 PDB env and concurrent users per PDB running some REST stuff.  Using a connection pool per PDB would be 50 connection pools.  Then if a JET app ( or... [Read More]

The 4th Industrial Revolution and Oracle IOT

Did you get a chance to the see Mr. Mukesh Ambani's talk at the India today conclave?, I'd recommend that you watch the video below, especially from 6:30 mins onward. Mr.Ambani's articulation of Industry 4.0 is succinct and the idea that, "in the next 20 years as a human civilization, we will use exponential technologies to collectively achieve more than what we have achieved in the last 300 years", nails down the message of Industry 4.0

A vision of tomorrow's manufacturing includes products finding their way through the production process. In an Intelligent factory, machines and products communicate with each other cooperatively driving production. Raw materials and machines are interconnected over an Internet Of Things.

The Objective:Highly Flexible, personalized and resource friendly mass production. That is the vision for the 4th Industrial revolution commonly referred to as Industry 4.0.

Industry 4.0 is still a vision for many manufacturers, but it will be a reality faster than many would expect.

In Intelligent factories, everything is interconnected wireless, Building an Industry 4.0 factory will be modular, it can be compared to the world of Lego bricks, in other words, standardized modules which will be connected. Each module will deliver a particular functionality and we can combine them to create a network of factories.

Factories with networked machines and products are already in existence today.With the Advent of IOT, these self contained systems will be connected together. All devices, machines and materials will be duly equipped with sensors and communication technology.

The highlight is that they communicate each other and control each other cooperatively.In other words every sensor and every actuator is a participant in the Internet of Things.

Industry 4.0 hence will be a highly flexible mass production and yet be adaptable to market changes.

With Oracle IoT Production Monitoring Cloud every manufacturing company ranging from SMEs to large conglomerates can setup their own manufacturing control dashboard where every sensor embedded in the production process is connected to the cloud and streams data leading to continuous tracking and prediction of production performance across factories, products, and machines.

Connecting the real with the virtual world of production and creating a "Digital Manufacturing Twin" will allow manufacturers to enter a new dimension of quality and flexibility. This enables manufactures to be well prepared for the 4th Industrial Revolution.

Using Account Ticker and RSS Feeds in Oracle Sales Cloud Mobile


Stock Symbol 

If you enter the Stock Symbol value for your customer Account records, the Sales Cloud Mobile App will show this and hyperlink it so that it shows details from Yahoo finance. Note that adding the stock symbol value is by default done in the More Details pages (desktop UI) but could be exposed on the simplified pages by customizing the Layout - ensuring this data is completed and the mobile app has this useful feature. As shown below when you tap the ORCL hyperlink the second screen appears with detail.

Note that you can change from the seeded Yahoo finance page by changing the same Enterprise Applications setup as done for News Feeds, described below.

News Feeds 

In the same way the mobile app has a bottom icon bar where News Feeds is available, when the stock symbol is entered. This takes the stock symbol and uses it in a URL to get the latest news feeds. Here is how this looks:

In the past the feed source configuration was controlled by Profile Option "RSS Feed Source" where a URL was entered. This changed in Release 10 and if not completed as below will result in blank pages in the mobile app (as mentioned in this forum post). Use the following configuration steps for this feature:

  1. Login to the homepage with an Applications Implementation Administrator user (this may require Cloud Operations involvement).
  2. From the navigator menu, go to Setup and Maintenance homepage. To the far right is a pop-out panel with hover-over text 'Tasks'
  3. Access the Manage Topology and Register Enterprise Application.
  4. Search for Zms as shown below.
  5. Set the values for Server Protocol to https and URL to something like https://news.google.com/news?output=rss&q= 

ORDS Standalone and URI Rewrites

My last post How to add an NCSA style Access Log to ORDS Standalone explained what the ORDS standalone is and that is based on Eclipse Jetty.  Jetty offers far more than ORDS exposed in it's standalone.  There's a long list of all the features and configuration options listed in the documentation, http://www.eclipse.org/jetty/documentation/9.2.21.v20170120/ A recent question came up for doing

Supermercado Croata Konzum Implementa Soluções de Planejamento e Otimização da Oracle Retail

Varejista do Setor de Supermercado Amplia Colaboração com Fornecedores Kozum pic

A Konzum, líder croata do setor de supermercados, implementou soluções de Planejamento e Otimização da Oracle Retail para promover a eficiência das operações de negócios, possibilitar a tomada de decisões mais assertivas, melhorar colaboração com fornecedores e o alinhamento com a rede de lojas. Konzum é parte da Agrokor, varejista dominante na região do Adriático com 2.000 lojas.

Parte de seu crescimento é resultado de aquisições que levaram ao desenvolvimento de uma rede diversificada. Gerenciar níveis do inventário para diferentes de lojas, significa gerir exceções. Uma vez que exceções são parte diária das operações, a Kozum decidiu enfrentar a questão e resolvê-la de forma sistemática.

Konzum, que já utilizava as soluções Oracle Retail Merchandise Operations Management e Supply Chain Management, estendeu a parceria através do uso do Oracle Retail Predictive Application Server com uma solução sob medida denominada Replenishment Parameters Management (REPAMA) desenvolvida pela Sigmia, parceiro gold do Oracle PartnerNetwork. O REPAMA permite o gerenciamento dos níveis de estoque no sistema pela equipe correta, ao invés de comunicar mudanças através de canais suscetíveis a erros.

“A implementação do REPAMA na plataforma de planejamento da Oracle Retail reduz o tempo de resposta, aumenta eficiência na tomada de decisões e reduz a carga de trabalho global por meio de uma melhor comunicação”, diz Adrian Alajkovic, Diretor de Planejamento e de Gerenciamento de Estoque da Konzum.

“Participar de um projeto faz com que estabeleça-se um canal fornecedor-cliente, e traz sempre traz o desafio de entregar valor real. Em parceria com Oracle, o REPAMA endereçou este desafio, agregando valor aos clientes da Konzum. Para alcançar a coordenação dos canais é sempre necessária uma estratégia de ganha-ganha”, disse Argiris Mokios, Diretor de Soluções para Cadeia de Abastecimento da Sigmia.

O resultado do projeto é um caso real de inventário gerenciado pelo fornecedor em +700 lojas com o Oracle Retail Predictive Server para planejamento e otimização. Agora Konzum pode engajar diretamente os fornecedores para gerenciarem os níveis de inventário.

“Empoderamento significa dar autoridade, controle e responsabilidade às equipes que necessitam de informação para agir. O varejo moderno transforma a experiência do usuário, insere ciência nos painéis baseados em persona,” disse Ray Carlin, Vice Presidente Senior e Diretor Geral, Oracle Retail. “O varejo deve tornar-se mais intuitivo e integrado, e a tecnologia contribui para alcançar as metas estratégicas”.

Sobre Sigmia

Sigmiaé uma consultoria de IT que tem crescido rapidamente, especializando-se em sistemas de informação de planejamento do varejo. A Sigmia fornece serviços completos de integração e consultoria de sistemas para planejamento de mercadorias e processos de planejamento da cadeia de suprimentos. Sua missão é ajudar varejistas no mundo todo a alavancar o poder das aplicações integradas e colaborativas de planejamento, permitindo excelência operacional, crescimento rentável e aumento da satisfação do cliente. Em essência, a Sigmia desenvolve sistemas e processos para ajudar pessoas a tomar decisões de negócios impulsionadas pelos dados e pela informação.

--- Saiba mais sobre a Oracle Retail @ www.oracle.com/br/industries/retail ---

Develop Mobile Apps Quickly, Effectively & Securely with Oracle Mobile Cloud Service (MCS) Training


Written with help from Daniel Milne, Curriculum Product Manager, Oracle University

As smartphones, tablets and high quality mobile apps surge in popularity,Oracle University is excited to offer a range of 50 cloud-based mobility topicsthat align with Oracle’s Mobile Cloud Service (MCS). 

These topics teach you how to utilize Oracle’s MCS service. 

To dive right in, purchase an Oracle Cloud Platform as a Service (PaaS) Learning Subscription, which gives you access to continuously refreshed digital cloud content for 1 year, 24/7.

Or you can purchase and attend Mobile Development on Oracle Cloud, an instructor-led training course that's offered online or in a traditional classroom setting. Enjoy interactive instruction and hands-on labs to reinforce new knowledge and practice new skills.

What is Oracle's Mobile Cloud Service (MCS)?

MCS is a cloud-based Mobile Backend as a Service (MBaaS) that provides a unified hub for developing, deploying, accessing, securing, maintaining, monitoring, and analyzing your mobile apps, their lifecycles and the resources upon which they rely.

Developers will be drawn to the MCS service for multiple reasons:

  • MCS provides a set of rich RESTful, mobile-specific interfaces for managing notifications, locations, users, security, devices, APIs and connections to enterprise SOAP and REST services.

  • MCS provides cross-platform support for multi-form factors, mobile security, and mobile services integration for apps developed using the development tools you already know (JavaScript, Mobile Application Framework, Mobile Application Accelerator (MAX)).

  • MCS has a full suite of features to monitor and manage mobile apps and users. Mobile analytics allow real-time access to data on customer adoption, usage, performance, and satisfaction. Manage initial and ongoing device security and user access and preferences.

The Oracle Cloud Platform as a Service (PaaS) Learning Subscriptiongives you access to over 50 topics designed to empower developers:

  • Get an overview of the distinctive capabilities of Oracle Mobile Cloud Service, along with an introduction to the Mobile Cloud environment.

  • Learn how to perform duties as a service administrator; become skilled in viewing and understanding logs and reading diagnostics.

  • See how to get started with MCS Client SDKs and various Platform APIs that provide general mobile functions like push notifications, data storage, and synchronization, leaving developers to concentrate on your unique app requirements.

  • Examine Connector APIs, which standardize the way MCS interacts with external systems. Learn how to build custom APIs for your mobile apps to use in MCS for defining the interface via REST APIs and building out the implementation in Node.js.

Ready to evelop your mobile apps quickly, effectively and securely to deploy in the MCS environment?

Learn more about mobile cloud training by subscribing to Oracle University's best value offering for your training budget.

Preview the Oracle Cloud PaaS Learning Subscription today!

Oracle blogging platform infrastructure change; normal transmission will resume shortly

The software driving blogs.oracle.com is undergoing a huge upgrade. There are spreadsheets of detailed plans and dates and training videos floating around. Yay! I'll refrain from posting over the next couple of weeks until the content freeze is finished and my cutover is complete. My 'opal' URL will remain the same.... [Read More]

Twitter Chat: Is headless CMS signaling the end of WCM?


On Thursday, April 20th at 10:00 am PT, @oraclewebcenter and the Content and Experience Cloud team will be hosting a live Twitter Chat on “Is headless CMS signaling the end of WCM?” to explore how relevant web content management is with the introduction of decoupled/headless content management systems.

Much like a live panel discussion, just a bit more free-form, Twitter Chats are concise live conversations on Twitter on pre-determined topics at a set date and time. While the panelists discuss, comment and tweet about the topic, other ‘tweeters’ interested in this topic (or those who are following us on Twitter) can follow along, raise a question, provide feedback or commentary or just chime in as they feel. We will be hosting the Twitter Chat @oraclewebcenter that has over 26K followers, so it should be an exciting discussion with good visibility. And we will then archive the conversation feed on our Digital Experience Platform blog for anyone to see and reference.

As a valued customer, we would like to invite you to participate in the live discussion. If you/your peers and/or colleagues have an active Twitter handle and are interested in participating, will you please confirm by sending an RSVP to kellsey.ruppel@oracle.com?

Additional details for how the Twitter Chat will work can be found below.

If you aren’t familiar with what a Twitter Chat is, a Twitter Chat is where a group of Twitter users meet at a pre-determined time to discuss a certain topic, using a designated hashtag (#) for each tweet contributed. A host or moderator will pose questions (designated with Q1, Q2…) to prompt responses from participants (using A1, A2…) and encourage interaction among the group. Chats typically last an hour. At the most basic level, you can participate in a Twitter chat simply by entering the hashtag into a Twitter search and interacting with people there. But we would encourage you to use Tweetchat or another tool to organize and filter tweets into a stream for easier conversing. One of the major benefits of using Tweetchat is that it automatically adds the hashtag to your tweet, which can save you lots of time—Twitter Chats move fast! It also refreshes in real time.

Here are some basic instructions to participate in the Twitter Chat:

1.At the scheduled chat time, log onto www.tweetchat.com, or whatever other tweet chat tool you like, using your Twitter name and password. Enter the hashtag for the chat at the top of the screen (e.g. we are using #contentdglt for this Twitter Chat)

2.Let your followers know you will be participating in a chat, then introduce yourself or wait for the chat to begin. The moderator (@oraclewebcenter) will start the conversation by asking a question. Here’s an example: Q1 Why is headless CMS gaining popularity? #contentdgtl

3.When you answer questions make sure you indicate which question you are answering. For example: A1 This model allows breakthrough user experiences & gives developers great flexibility to innovate #contentdgtl

4.Remember to add the chat hashtag (e.g. #contentdgtl) to the end of your tweets.

5.Don’t be afraid to add your thoughts to the topic, ask follow-up questions, observe or just “retweet” what others saying. As long as your questions are on topic, they are welcome during the Twitter Chat.

We are so excited to have you participate in this Twitter Chat!

·Topic: Is headless CMS signaling the end of WCM?

·Date: Thursday, April 20

·Time: 10:00am PT / 1:00pm ET


Host: @oraclewebcenter

Supermercado croata Konzum implementa Oracle Retail para Planificación y Optimización


Minorista de supermercados amplía la colaboración con los proveedores

Konzum, líder croata en el sector de supermercados, ha implementado las soluciones Oracle Retail Planning and Optimization para promover la eficiencia de las operaciones comerciales, permitir la toma decisiones más asertivas, mejorar la colaboración y la alineación con proveedores en las tiendas.Konzum es parte de Agrokor, el minorista dominante en la región del Adriático, con 2.000 tiendas.

Parte de su crecimiento es el resultado de adquisiciones que condujeron al desarrollo de una red diversa. Manejar los niveles de inventario en las diferentes tiendas, significa gestionar excepciones. Una vez que excepciones son parte de las operaciones diarias, Kozum decidió abordar la cuestión y resolverla de forma sistemática.

Konzum, que ya utilizaba las soluciones Oracle Retail Merchandise Operations Management e Supply Chain Management, extendió la asociación a través del uso de la aplicación Oracle Retail Predictive Application Server con una solución a medida llamada Replenishment Parameters Management (REPAMA) desarrollada por Sigmia, Gold Partner de Oracle PartnerNetwork . El REPAMA permite la gestión de los niveles de inventario en el sistema para el equipo correcto, en lugar de comunicar los cambios a través de canales susceptibles a errores.

"La implementación de REPAMA en en la plataforma Oracle Retail Planning reduce el tiempo de respuesta, aumenta la eficiencia en la toma de decisiones y reduce la carga de trabajo a través de una mejor comunicación", dice Adrian Alajkovic, Planificación y Gestión Stock de Konzum.

"Participar en un proyecto hace que se establezca un canal proveedor-cliente, y trae siempre consigo el reto de ofrecer un valor real. En asociación con Oracle, REPAMA abordó este problema añadiendo valor a los clientes de Konzum. Lograr la coordinación de los canales siempre se requiere una estrategia de gana-gana ", dijo Argiris Mokios, Director de Soluciones para la Cadena de Suministro Sigmia.

El resultado del proyecto es un caso real de inventario gestionado por el proveedor en +700 tiendas con Oracle Retail Predictive Server para la planificación y optimización. Ahora Konzum puede involucrar directamente proveedores para gestionar los niveles de inventario.

"Empoderamiento significa dar la autoridad, el control y la responsabilidad a los equipos que necesitan información para actuar. El minorista moderno transforma la experiencia del usuario, inserta la ciencia como parte en los paneles basados en persona ", dijo Ray Carlin, Vicepresidente Senior y Gerente General de Oracle Retail. "El comercio minorista debe ser más intuitivo e integrado, y la tecnología contribuye a la consecución de los objetivos estratégicos."

Sobre Sigmia

Sigmia es una consultoría de TI que ha crecido rápidamente, especializada en sistemas de información de planificación al por menor. Sigmia proporciona servicios completos de integración y consultoría de sistemas de planificación de mercaderías y procesos de planificación de la cadena de suministro. Su misión es ayudar a los minoristas en todo el mundo para apalancar la potencia de las aplicaciones integradas y colaborativas de planificación, lo que permite la excelencia operativa, crecimiento rentable y una mayor satisfacción del cliente. En esencia, Sigmia desarrolla sistemas y procesos para ayudar a las personas a tomar decisiones de negocio impulsadas por los datos y la información.

--- Más información sobre Oracle Retail @https://www.oracle.com/lad/industries/retail/solutions/index.html ---

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This blog will be moving to a new platform on April 17th.  There may be a short period of time during the migration when the blog content is not available, but we'll be back up soon.  The new blog platform provides a more contemporary user experience, and it's responsive, so you will be able to read and interact with it easily on different form factors.   All the existing posts will be migrated and will be available on the new platform. You'll be able to find the blog in the same location.

Leverage Enterprise Manager to Simplify your Database Security Management


Are you concerned about securing your and your customers’ most valuable asset - the data? Are you worried about enforcing and managing different database security solutions to meet regulations such as European Union (EU) General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)? Most of you must have used or heard about Oracle Database Security features and products that work together to offer a complete defense-in-depth and unified solution to your data security needs. But, did you know that you can manage these features and products from a central location? Yes, you can perform all database security management operations (and much more) from one place! Let us see how.

Oracle Enterprise Manager is Oracle's integrated enterprise information technology (IT) management product line, which provides built-in monitoring, administration and lifecycle management capabilities for traditional and cloud environments. Oracle Enterprise Manager provides pluggable entities called plug-ins that offer special management capabilities customized to suit specific target types. While some of these plug-ins such as Oracle Database plug-in are installed by default, others such as Oracle Audit Vault and Database Firewall plug-in can be installed either using Oracle Enterprise Manager’s self-update feature or by downloading and installing the plug-in using offline mode (reference MOS note 1394908.1 for more information on deploying plug-ins).

Oracle Enterprise Manager, with the help of plug-ins, enables you to perform centralized monitoring and administration of Oracle Database Security solutions deployed in your environment. These solutions include:

  • Discovering sensitive data in databases to enable targeted protection
  • On-the-fly redaction (sometimes referred to as dynamic data masking) of sensitive data before display by applications, which helps you reduce proliferation of sensitive data and minimize business risk of data breaches due to sensitive data exposure
  • Encrypting individual columns or entire application tablespaces with Transparent Data Encryption (TDE) to protect against unauthorized access from outside of the database environment
  • Enforcing trusted-path access control and controlling the risk of compromised administrator credentials by reducing administrator access to data using Database Vault
  • Extracting and obfuscating entire copies or subsets of application data to reduce proliferation of sensitive data while sharing with partners
  • Deploying Oracle Audit Vault and Database Firewall to protect against threats such as SQL Injection as well as for audit data consolidation, monitoring and compliance reporting

Let us take an example to understand how powerful Enterprise Manager and these plug-ins are and how they can make your life easier. The Oracle Audit Vault and Database Firewall (AVDF) plug-in provides an interface within Enterprise Manager for administrators to manage and monitor Audit Vault and Database Firewall components. The homepage gives you an overview of the overall health of the system, while drill-down pages let you monitor and manage specific components. Some of the operations that can be performed from within the Enterprise Manager are:

  • Automatically discover Oracle components such as Audit Vault Server, Database Firewall, databases and Audit Vault Agent on a host server
  • Deploy Audit Vault Agent by simply pushing it out from the Enterprise Manager, and create audit trails for hundreds of databases in a short time
  • Monitor and manage Secured Targets, Audit Agents, Audit Trails, Database Firewalls and Enforcement Points
  • Monitor the underlying stack of AVDF system such as host server, databases, and ASM storage
  • Set up proactive notifications along with performance and availability monitoring to provide better understanding regarding the system health and any potential issues

You do not need to access AVDF product interfaces to perform these monitoring and management tasks. Likewise, other Oracle Database Security features and products provide interfaces within Oracle Enterprise Manager with the help of plug-ins so that you can monitor and manage your most critical security operations from one place.

These plug-ins have independent release cycles, so every time a new version of an Oracle product is released, a new version of the plug-in supports monitoring of that new product version in Enterprise Manager. Oracle continuously strives to provide unparalleled security solutions for your mission-critical data and applications. Oracle has recently released a new set of plug-ins for Oracle Enterprise Manager 13c Release 2. Please check Oracle Enterprise Manager documentation to learn how to deploy and use these plug-ins. Some of the new database security features supported by Enterprise Manager plug-ins are:

  • Online and offline tablespace encryption
  • Column-level policy expression for data redaction
  • Database Vault Simulation mode for realm and command rule testing
  • Sensitive column discovery for secured targets and export to AVDF repository

Let us consider Sensitive Column Discovery, a feature implemented in the AVDF plug-in, just to give you an example of these new capabilities:

You can run discovery to identify sensitive columns in your monitored databases from the Secured Targets listing page.

The list of discovered sensitive columns can help you keep track of the sensitive data landscape. These sensitive columns can be exported to the AVDF repository or downloaded as an external file.

As you can see, Oracle Enterprise Manager plug-ins are quite powerful and provide numerous important functionality. So, do not wait any longer, go ahead and try these plug-ins to see what you have been missing. To learn more, please visit our Oracle Technology Network webpage.

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