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Oracle Cloud Test Drive: Beeindruckend bessere Ergebnisse by Danilo Schmiedel


Danilo Schmiedel ist bei Opitz Consulting der Oracle- und Kunden-"Versteher". Auf der Inspire IT 2017 hat er mit dem Oracle Cloud Test Drive eine pragmatische Alternative zu Keynotes und Vorträgen geschaffen. So konnten Kunden "hands on" erleben, wie einfach es ist, in 40 Minuten beeindruckende Ergebnisse zu erzielen. Watch the video hereOpitz Cloud consulting offerings

Interested to showcase Oracle PaaS solutions to your customers? Get access to cloud services here and please contact us here.

SOA & BPM Partner Community

For regular information on Oracle SOA Suite become a member in the SOA & BPM Partner Community for registration please visit www.oracle.com/goto/emea/soa (OPN account required) If you need support with your account please contact the Oracle Partner Business Center.


Technorati Tags: SOA Community,Oracle SOA,Oracle BPM,OPN,Jürgen Kress


Java EE 8 - April recap

With a few days delay, here is a short recap of some the April news related to Java EE 8.

First an important update regarding Java.net that will be shutdown shortly. All the GlassFish development and most of the Java development is being migrated to GitHub under the Java EE organization. From now on, we will leverage GitHub to go forward; this will hopefully enable a greater participation. Some projects like Jersey and specifications like JAX-RS were already mirrored from Java.net to GitHub, those repositories will remain unchanged for the time being. Most of the Java.net repositories and issues have been migrated to GitHub but we still have things to do including refreshing most of the projects web sites. We are also putting the final touches on the new mailing lists and we should, hopefully, be able to share the details very soon. And last but not least, this blog platform will also be migrated to a new modern platform. 

Java EE GitHub Organization
Overall, the effort that went into the migration from Java.net to GitHub has slightly impacted the work on GlassFish 5 last month but it was a short-term pain for a long-term gain! You can download the mid April GlassFish 5 promoted build here.

The good news is that the progress of the different EGs hasn’t been really impacted by this migration.

JavaServer Faces 2.3 has posted the Final Release of the JSR 372 specification while JSON-P 1.1 has passed the Final Approval Ballot. Congratulation to both EGs! JSON-B 1.0 (JSR 367) is now in Proposed Final Draft, yet another specification very close to the Final Approval ballot!

The Servlet 4.0 (JSR 369) EG is now in Public Review.  Regarding Servlet 4 and more specifically HTTP/2 support over TLS on JDK 8, there is a clarification on ALPN support on top of JDK 8.

The JAX-RS 2.1 (JSR 370) EG is making good progress; it has posted a Public Review. Make sure to review the draft specification and provide feedback. Santiago Pericas-Geertsen (JAX-RS 2.1 Co-Spec Lead) gave a session on JAX-RS 2.1 at Devoxx US; the video is now available here. It should be noted that since this presentation in early March, it was decided to drop for now the support of non-blocking I/O in providers. In any case, Santiago's session is interesting to understand JAX-RS 2.1 new APIs (SSE API, Reactive Client API) but also to understand the motivation (and the challenges) behind non-blocking I/O support in JAX-RS providers.

During Devoxx US, Will Hopkins (Spec Lead) gave a overview on Java EE Security (JSR375), you can watch the replay here. The question was raised in the Platform EG (JSR 366) about the inclusion of this JSR in the Web Profile. Given the strong positive feedback on this question, it was decided to include this API in the Web Profile (in addition to the full platform). It is one of the update included in the second Early Draft of the Java EE 8 specification that is now available for Public Review. Also, make sure to watch the Java EE 8 overview that Linda De Michiel (JSR 366 Spec Lead) gave at Devoxx US.

CDI 2 has entered the Final Approval Ballot and while waiting the results, you can watch another great Devoxx US session: “CDI 2.0 New & Noteworthy” by John Ament (JSR 365 EG member). Talking about Red Hat lead JSRs, Bean Validation 2 (JSR 380) is now in Public Review. You can watch Emmanuel Bernard (BV 1.x Spec Lead) “Bean Validation 2 overview” Devoxx US session.

On the Maintenance Release front, we can mention for now 2 upcoming MRs for Java EE 8: Interceptors and JPA.

And last but not least, we are happy to see MVC (JSR 371) going forward, independently of Java EE, with not one but two new Spec Leads: Ivar Grimstad and Christian Katlepoth. With Ivar and Christan, that JSR is in good hands! 

In summary, April has been a very busy month bringing us another step closer to completing Java EE 8 this summer!

Singaport (SG) Pay: Patch released for SG Bank SWIFT Code Format Change


SG Pay :
Patch released for SG Bank SWIFT Code Enhancement - Phase 2
Format Change

Due to the format change based on the new SWIFT code, the new Interbank GIRO (IBG) File Format v1.7 has been delivered.
Oracle HRMS delivers the new concurrent program Direct Deposit (Singapore Enhanced IBG format) to generate the report in the new format.

The following patches have been released for the format change:

Please note that R12.1.HRMS RUP 9 or R12.2.HRMS RUP 8 are the respective pre-requisites for this patch.

Consult the patch readme along with this My Oracle Support knowledge note: Oracle HRMS for Singapore Bank SWIFT Code Enhancement - Phase 2 Format Change (Doc ID 2259730.1) for further information.

If you have further questions, please log a My Oracle Support Service Request or post the question on our MOSC community: Payroll - EBS (MOSC)

Get Your Oracle Certification Questions Answered


If you've contacted our Oracle Certification Support team recently, you may have noticed a difference in how you receive support. You now start your help journey in our Guided Assistance Tool. So many requests that we receive can be resolved with a simple answer to a question, giving the candidate the opportunity to get his question answered immediately.

When you first access the tool, you'll select a filter category. The most common questions that we receive under that category show on the right. Many times, this is all you need to get your question answered and move on. If you don't see your specific question listed, select the question closest to yours. This may answer your question.

You'll have the opportunity to log a ticket to get your question answered if you are unable to get a satisfactory answer in the guided assistance. 

The process to request assistance remains the same, we simply added a helpful step that may resolve your issue without the wait!

Quo vadis ADF? by Timo Hahn



Last week I attended DOAG Konferenz & Ausstellung in Nürnberg Germany. The DOAG (Deutsche ORACLE-Anwendergruppe e.V.) is the biggest German Oracle user group. The conference covers all Oracle products and technologies, way too much to name them all.

As my personal center of gravity is middle-ware and here ADF and the surrounding technologies, I attended lot’s of sessions about middle-ware, cloud, ADF, MAF and JET. The big picture of Oracle becoming a cloud company is getting clearer.

The way developers currently are working on premise with their products migrating to the cloud is getting clearer. There where about 4-5 sessions which gave explicit advice when to use which technology and what problems might arise mixing them. I’ll cover the main three here.

Frank Nimphius started with a session ‘The Future of Application Development Welcome to your new Job’ where he summarized areas of future of application development as

§“Server-less” deployment

§ [Micro] [Cloud] Services


§Read the complete article here.

WebLogic Partner Community

For regular information become a member in the WebLogic Partner Community please visit: http://www.oracle.com/partners/goto/wls-emea ( OPN account required). If you need support with your account please contact the Oracle Partner Business Center.


Technorati Tags: WebLogic Community,Oracle,OPN,Jürgen Kress

API Catalog for RESTful Services by Richard Bingham



Since we looked at the retirement of OER, I am please to share another new set of resources for developers working with Oracle Cloud applications. The existing resources were extended recently with a centralized interface to information about the RESTful web services.

The new Oracle API Catalogprovides a one-stop-shop for integration developers, including documentation, examples, and descriptive content in the Swagger standard format. As shown below for the HCM employee service (emps), the material includes resource usage details, and extensive descriptions on each supported method and their queries/parameters. Read the complete article here.

SOA & BPM Partner Community

For regular information on Oracle SOA Suite become a member in the SOA & BPM Partner Community for registration please visit www.oracle.com/goto/emea/soa (OPN account required) If you need support with your account please contact the Oracle Partner Business Center.


Technorati Tags: SOA Community,Oracle SOA,Oracle BPM,OPN,Jürgen Kress

«Действоватьбыстрее»: РичардСмит, Старшийвице-президент Oracle, опланахкорпорациивРоссииисвоемжизненномкредо


Старшийвице-президент Oracle РичардСмитвозглавляетодинизкрупнейшихрегионов Oracle вмире, вкоторыйпомимоРоссиииСНГвходятвсяАфрикаиБлижнийВосток, страныЦентральнойиВосточнойЕвропы, атакжеюжно-европейскийкластер (Италия, Франция, Нидерланды, Испания, Португалия). Водномизпервыхинтервьюв Oracle Ричардподелилсястратегиейкомпании, впечатлениямиотроссийскогорынкаижизненнымипринципами, которыепомогаютемубытьуспешнымвсовременномцифровоммире.

Источник: Oracle

Облака–стратегическоенаправлениеисамыйбыстрорастущийбизнес Oracle. Какэтореализуетсяввашемрегионе?

ДляотраслиИТвсегдабылихарактерныперемены. Трансформация–свойствоинформационныхтехнологий. Инынешняя, наверное, самаямасштабнаязапоследнеевремя. Онаоказываетсерьезноевлияниенамировойрынок. Досихпоркомпаниитратятпорядка 60% своегоИТ-бюджетатольконаподдержкуэксплуатацииинформационныхсистем, аиногдаидо 80%. Таковаоценка. Сучетомтого, чтооборотмировойИТ-отраслисоставляетпорядкатриллионадолларов, этоогромныесуммы.

Облакавкорнеменяютэтуситуацию. Онипозволяютвысвободитьдо 40% этихсредствинаправитьихнаинновациидлябизнеса.

Инашастратегияоченьпроста - ускоритьоблачнуютрансформацию. Самоеважноевней–чтоименнопредлагает Oracle наоблачномрынке, теуникальныепреимущества, которыедаютклиентамнашиинновации. Мыстремимсяпомочьзаказчикамраскрытьпотенциалоблаков, получитьзаметныевыгодыдлябизнеса–финансовые, операционные, технологические, продуктовые - всоответствиисприоритетамиипотребностямисамихкомпаний.

Какбыстроклиентывразныхстранахпереходятнаоблачныетехнологии? ЕстьотличиявРоссии?

Некоторыеклиентыинекоторыестраныпереходятнаоблачныевычислениябыстрее, чемдругие. Облачнаятрансформация–этоглобальныйпроцесс. Темпымогутотличаться, новсехвконечномитогеинтересует, чтодаетоблакодлябизнеса.

Менячастоспрашиваютменя, отличаетсялиРоссияотостальногомира? Нет. Математикатаже, тежетемпытрансформации. Облакавысвобождаютсотнимиллионовдолларов, позволяяклиентамисфокусироватьсянаинновацияхвбизнесе.

Еслиговоритьороссийскихособенностях, тоэтооченьзрелыйрыноквпланеиспользованиятехнологий. Огромныйсточкизрениявозможностейиклиентов. Предлагаемыенамивыгодыоблаковдляроссийскихкомпаний, какидлядругих, заключаютсявтом, чтобыпомочьоптимизироватьзатратыибизнес: клиентысегоднятратятсвоиденьгинато, чтобыпростовсеработало. Облакоповышаетэффективность. Иэтосовершеннодругаяпарадигма.


Унасосновательныепланынароссийскомрынке. Мыподдерживаемнашихклиентовитрадиционныеверсиииреализуемпринцип"напервомместе - облако". Мыхотимускоритьраспространениеоблаковимыинвестировалиипродолжаеминвестироватьзначительныесредствавоблачныепредложенияивлюдей, чтобызаказчикивРоссииполучилидоступклучшимоблачнымрешениямимоглибыстреетрансформироватьбизнес. Мыстремимсяимвэтомпомочь.

Что Oracle делаетдлятого, чтооблегчитьроссийскимзаказчикампереходвоблако?

ЯвстречалсясомногимиклиентамивРоссии. Уменясложилосьвпечатление, чтоэтооченьпродвинутыепользователитехнологий. Онинеобязательноговорятотактовойчастотепроцессора, количествеядер, ониговорятопотребностяхбизнеса. Российскиекомпании–оченьтребовательныезаказчики. Этохарактернодлявсехзапросов. Унихвесьмауникальные, комплексныебизнес-требования. Иречьидетнеодеталяхтехнологическихдеталях, онипрекраснопонимают, чтонужнобизнесу. Этооченьхорошоразбирающиеся, серьезныеклиенты.

Переходвоблакотребуетрешениярядавопросов, включаятребованияпоместуразмещенияданных, защитыинформации. Иукaждойкомпании, вособенностиукрупной, могутбытьсвоиспецифическиетребования. Мыпредлагаемвсевозможностиоблака, наиболееполноеиинтегрированноепортфолио SaaS, PaaS и IaaS-сервисов. Причемтехнологии, которыеразвернутынаплощадкезаказчикаивоблаке, идентичны.

Иотвечаемвсемнормативнымтребованиямпоуправлениюданными, безопасностиданных, чтооченьважновРоссии. Унасестьабсолютноуникальноепредложение–облачныесервисы Oracle Cloud Machine. Снимикаждыйзаказчикполучаетвозможностьразместитьоблако Oracle всвоемдата-центре.

Oracle Cloud Machine быстронабираетпопулярностьвРоссии. Чтоещепланируеткомпаниядляудовлетворениятребованийрынка?

Мыинвестируемвсоответствиеоблачнымстандартам, сертифицируемнаширешениядляроссийскогоидругихрынков. Существуетогромноеколичествостандартов, сертификационныхтребований, которыммыдолжнысоответствовать. Конечно, мыбудемрасширятьспектринноваций, развиватьнашеуникальноеоблачноепредложение Oracle Cloud at Customer (“Облако Oracle уклиента”), выпускатьновыеверсии Oracle Cloud Machine.

Когдаобщаюсьсзаказчиками, язнаю, чтомогупредложитьимто, чегониукогобольшенет. Нашиоблачныесервисы Oracle Cloud Machine решаютспецифическиедляроссийскогорынказадачи - требованиякуправлениюданными, местухранения, безопасностиданных. Подобныетребованияестьвомногихстранахмира. Какниодинпоставщикнарынкемынапряженноработалинадразрешениемпроблемы. Иэтоединственнаятехнологиянарынке, конкурентыничегоподобногонеимеют.

ПрактическивсекрупныекомпаниивРоссииявляютсяклиентами Oracle. Естьцельпривлечьновыхспомощьюоблаков?

УнасоченьмногопостоянныхклиентоввРоссии. Ивсеони–отличныекандидатынаполучениевыгодотоблачныхтехнологий. Нашароссийскаякомандаактивноработаетнадтем, чтобыпредоставитьимуникальныепреимущества. Какразнадняхмыобсуждалиэтосруководителямиподразделений. Красотаоблакаоткрываетфантастическиевозможностидляпривлеченияновыхклиентовиклиентовконкурентов.

Сегоднязаказчикипроявляютинтерескновымтехнологиямивнедряютих–какнаши, такитехнологиинашихконкурентов, Google, Microsoft, ипрочихигроковрынка. Длянасэтоновыйрынок, самыйважныйзапоследнеедесятилетие.


Безусловно, ивличнойжизни, ивделовой. Например, намоем MacBook яработаювоблаке Oracle Cloud. Мывсеокруженытехнологиями. Ихинтеграциявбизнес - этото, счемрастетновоепоколение. Яросвдругомокружении. Толькопредставьте, какиеновыевозможностиоткрываютсясегоднядлякаждого! Инетольковтехнологиях. Онидействительнобезграничны.

Посмотритенамолодогочеловекас iPad или MacBook: унегозапущенычетыре-пятьприложенийилифункций, онлегкопереключаетсямеждуэтимиприложениями, иэтодлянегоестественно. Мыже, старшеепоколение, привыклидействоватьпоследовательно. Совершеннодругаяпарадигма.

ЧтоВыпосоветуетемолодомупоколению, какдобитьсяуспехавсовременномцифровоммире?

Советдовольнопрост - принятьто, чтовассегодняокружает, воспользоватьсяэтойвозможностью. Мойдевиз - действоватьбыстрее. Яболее 20 летпроработалводнойоченьбольшой, известнойкомпании, ивсе-такипришелв Oracle, потомучтоздесьямогудействоватьбыстрее.

New Look For the Oracle Certification Blog


The Oracle Certification Blog will soon unveil an exciting new look, with helpful features and upgrades, making engaging with our content smarter and easier.

What to expect:
  • A modern look and feel, as easily readable on your mobile device as on your computer screen
  • Blog posts organized in an easy-to-read tile format
  • Detailed author bios that get you acquainted with blog contributors
  • Easy topic-based content subscriptions and convenient social sharing buttons to put content you're interested in at your fingertips
  • Featured videos offering a new way to engage with content
  • Combined Oracle University and Oracle Certification content in one convenient location
Stay tuned for this exciting new blog experience!

JET CRUD – Search and Edit Form – Part I by Andrejus Baranovskis


I'm going to post a series of articles about CRUD functionality (on top of ADF BC) implementation in JET. I already had a couple of posts about JET CRUD implementation, this new series will bring improved and simplified structure for JET code implementation.
Today I will start with explanation and example how to pass selected object ID from search screen into edit screen. I have uploaded complete sample (with ADF BC and JET) into GitHub repository. Download ready to be run code or browse it directly from GitHub repository.
There are two essential parts to understand, when you implement search/edit form.
1. How to get selected object ID
I have implemented read-only table where user could select a record and navigate to edit form. JET table is enhanced with template. Each row renders edit action link. When this link is pressed, it calls our custom editCustomer function and also it sends across a key value from selected row (EmployeeId):

Inside editCustomer function we can access key parameter value and store it into JET router (this will make it accessible from another JET module, where we navigate for editing - editCustomer): Read the complete article here.

WebLogic Partner Community

For regular information become a member in the WebLogic Partner Community please visit: http://www.oracle.com/partners/goto/wls-emea ( OPN account required). If you need support with your account please contact the Oracle Partner Business Center.


Technorati Tags: WebLogic Community,Oracle,OPN,Jürgen Kress

12c: Erweiterter Zugriffsschutz für die SGA


In Zeiten steigender Computerkriminalität und verschärften Gesetzen, wird es immer wichtiger, verschiedene Sicherheitsmaßnahmen, insbesondere zum Thema Zugriffsschutz, umzusetzen. Die restriktive Einschränkung des Zugriffs auf Daten, beziehungsweise Informationen, gehört sicherlich zu den wichtigsten Sicherheitsmaßnahmen. Oracle bietet mit der Einführung des neuen Initialisierungsparameters allow_group_access_to_sga mit dem Juli DATABASE PROACTIVE BUNDLE PATCH eine einfache Möglichkeit, die Angriffsfläche auf die SGA enorm zu verkleinern.

Mein Kollege Norman Sibbing (Principal Sales Consultant) hat sich die Mühe gemacht den Parameter auszutesten und folgenden Beitrag dazu verfasst.

Benefits of a Canonical Data Model (CDM) in a SOA environment by Emiel Paasschens




The last few years I’ve been working in several SOA related projects, small projects as well as quite large projects. Almost all of these projects use a Canonical Data Model (CDM). In this post I will explain what a CDM is and point out what the benefits are of using it in an integration layer or a Service Oriented (SOA) environment.

What is a Canonical Data Model?

The Canonical Data Model (CDM) is a data model that covers all data from connecting systems and/or partners. This does not mean the CDM is just a merge of all the data models. The way the data is modelled will be different from the connected data models, but still the CDM is able to contain all the data from the connecting data models. This means there is always a one way, unambiguous translation of data from the CDM to the connecting data model and vice versa.
A good metaphor for this in spoken languages is the Esperanto language. Each living, existing spoken language can be translated to the constructed Esperanto language and vice versa.
In a CDM data translation, the translation is not restricted to the way the data is modelled, but will also be a translation of the values of the data itself.

Example Data

Let’s take as an example the country values for the US and The Netherlands in four connecting data models. Three of these models are ‘based’ on the English language and the last one on the Dutch language. The first two data models are of type XML, the third one is CSV and the last one is a JSON type model: Read the complete article here.

SOA & BPM Partner Community

For regular information on Oracle SOA Suite become a member in the SOA & BPM Partner Community for registration please visit www.oracle.com/goto/emea/soa (OPN account required) If you need support with your account please contact the Oracle Partner Business Center.


Technorati Tags: SOA Community,Oracle SOA,Oracle BPM,OPN,Jürgen Kress

Training : Migrate your Application to the Oracle Cloud

Migrate your application to the Oracle Cloud

Migrate your Application to the Oracle

Cloud Workshop

Chers partenaires, 

Nous vous invitons à une nouvelle édition de notre formation "Migrate your Application to the Oracle Cloud" qui se tiendra dans nos locaux de Colombes les 23 et 24 Mai prochains. 

Cet atelier de deux jours vous permettra de comprendre en détail les offres IaaS et PaaS proposées par le Cloud Oracle (Oracle Public Cloud) à travers des présentations techniques et des exercices pratiques effectués en se connectant à un Data Center du Cloud Oracle.

L'ensemble du séminaire sera animéen français par François Pons qui fait partie de l'équipe Partner Technology Solutions.

ISVs, Resellers, System Integrators.

Participant System Requirements
Participants bring their Windows or Mac laptops with 8GB memory and 35GB free hard disk space. 


Migrate to Oracle IaaS
- Oracle IaaS Services Overview
- Capacity Planning and Sizing, Migration Planning
- Provision IaaS with GUI and Orchestration
- Automate Provisioning through REST APIs
- Lift and Shift your Applications to Oracle IaaS

Migrate to Oracle Database Cloud Service
- Oracle Database Cloud Service Overview
- Provision Oracle Database Cloud Service
- Migrate Databases to the Oracle Cloud using several techniques including Datapump, Transportable Tablespace, and PDB migration

Migrate to Oracle Cloud using Ravello
-Ravello – Learn about moving your VMware & KVM applications without changes to the Oracle Cloud
- Migration Strategy and Methodologies
- Ravello Technical Overview
- Ravello Deep Dive
- Lift and Shift a Multi-VM environment to Oracle Cloud using Ravello

Les places pour cette formation sont limitées, n'attendez pas pour vous inscrire. 
Inscription au Workshopcta-arrow

APEX mitsamt Webserver (ORDS) vollautomatisiert installieren


LogoOb man mit Application Express eher entwickelt, es administriert oder testet - man ist hin und wieder in der Situation, sich eine APEX-Umgebung aufsetzen zu müssen. Im Installation Guide der Dokumentation kann man nachlesen, wie das geht - alle möglichen Szenarien sind dort beschrieben.

Oft braucht es aber nur eine ganz einfache Installation - APEX soll in eine vorhandene Datenbankinstanz installiert und ORDS (Oracle REST Data Services) soll als Webserver hochgefahren werden. Am besten wäre es noch, wenn die nötigen Schritte automatisch ablaufen würden, so dass man während der Installation etwas anderes machen kann.

Joel Kallman beschreibt in seinem Blog, wie das geht. Die einzelnen Schritte sind aufgeführt, so dass sie sich problemlos an die eigene Umgebung anpassen und zu einem automatisch ablaufenden Skript zusammengefasst werden können. Schauen Sie mal rein! 

An Open Letter to the JCP Executive Committee


Dear Members of the JCP Executive Committee:

I am the Specification Lead for JSR 376, the Java Platform Module System.

The goal of this JSR is to design a module system that is approachable by all developers for use in their own code yet scalable to the modularization of the Java SE Platform itself, as stated in the JSR submission which the EC approved in December 2014.

The present draft Specification achieves that goal, as further expressed in a set of requirements agreed to by the JSR 376 Expert Group in April 2015. The Specification reflects input not only from the EG but, also, from an active community of developers that includes the maintainers of some of the most widely-used open-source Java libraries, frameworks, and tools. We are still working on a few minor open issues, but I am confident that we can resolve them in short order. Just yesterday I posted a revised proposal for the automatic-modules issue raised by some of the core Maven developers, and they have responded positively.

The Public Review Ballot for this JSR will close in a few days. Red Hat Middleware has indicated, as you know, that they will not support this JSR. That is disappointing, but not surprising.

Red Hat Middleware initially agreed to the goals and requirements of the JSR, but then worked consistently to undermine them. They attempted to turn this JSR into something other than it was intended to be. Rather than design one module system that is both approachable and scalable they instead wanted to design a “meta” module system via which multiple different module systems could interoperate on an intimate basis. I can only assume that they pursued this alternate goal in order to preserve and protect their home-grown, non-standard module system, which is little used outside of the JBoss/Wildfly ecosystem.

Designing a “meta” module system would be an interesting project, but it would be even larger in scope and much more difficult than this JSR. By focusing on an audience of module-system experts it would likely result in a design that is far from approachable by all developers. That is why I repeatedly pointed out to Red Hat Middleware that many of the features they advocated were out of scope, but they chose not to accept those decisions.

IBM has declared publicly that they will cast an explicit vote against this JSR. That is disappointing also—and surprising.

IBM has said very little during the course of this JSR. After they announced that they would vote against it they later sent a list of specific issues to the EG, but only in response to a request from another EG member. None of those issues is new, many of them were discussed long ago, and IBM was silent during most of the discussions.

IBM’s recent position appears rooted in a vague desire for “closer consensus” amongst EG members. I would prefer more consensus too, but that is not possible given Red Hat Middleware’s position. I can only conclude that IBM has decided that their interests are best served by delaying this JSR and, also, JSR 379 (Java SE 9)—which is regrettable.

Is the present Specification for this JSR perfect? No, of course not. It does, however, reflect years of development, testing, and refinement with active feedback from many developers.

Could we make the Specification better if we spent more time on it? Yes, of course we could. What we have now does not solve every practical modularity-related problem that developers face, but it meets the agreed goals and requirements and is a solid foundation for future work. It is time to ship what we have, see what we learn, and iteratively improve. Let not the perfect be the enemy of the good.

Should we further delay this JSR—possibly for years—in order to gain“closer consensus” by pursuing a different goal that will likely result in a design so bloated and complex that no working developer would ever use it? I do not see how that could possibly be in the best interest of the Java community.

As you consider how to cast your vote I urge you to judge the Specification on its merits and, also, to take into account the nature of the precedent that your vote will set.

A vote against this JSR due to lack of consensus in the EG is a vote against the Java Community Process itself. The Process does not mandate consensus, and for good reason. It intentionally gives Specification Leads broad decision powers, precisely to prevent EG members from obstructing progress in order to defend their own narrow interests. If you take away that authority then you doom future JSRs to the consensus of self-serving “experts.”

Many failed technologies have been designed in exactly that way.

That is not the future that I want for Java.

Respectfully yours,
Mark Reinhold

Oracle R Distribution 3.3.0 Released

Oracle R Distribution version 3.3.0 has been released on all supported platforms today. This release, code-named "Supposedly Educational", contains several significant bug fixes and improvements to R, including: • Support for downloading data from secure https-enabled sites using download.file •&nb... [Read More]

Business Analytics Monthly Index - April 2017


The following provides quick links to recent Proactive Support Blog postings from over the month just past.

Welcome to the Monthly Index posting for April 2017.

Within each section the items are shown in chronological order.

Oracle Business Analytics
- Proactive Support Blog

Monthly Index - April 2017
General SummaryLink
Business Analytics Monthly Index - March 2017
- Business Analytics Monthly Index - March 2017
My Oracle Support (MOS) 17.2 Release
- My Oracle Support (MOS) 17.2 Release
Patch Set Update for Oracle Smart View
- Patch Set Update for Oracle Smart View
Oracle Critical Patch Update Advisory - April 2017
- Oracle Critical Patch Update Advisory - April 2017
Business Intelligence (BI) SummaryLink
Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition (OBIEE) 11g Bundle Patch
- Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition (OBIEE) 11g Bundle Patch
Enterprise Performance Management (EPM) SummaryLink
Patch Set Update: Oracle Hyperion Shared Services
- Patch Set Update: Oracle Hyperion Shared Services
EPM Patch Set Updates - March 2017
- EPM Patch Set Updates - March 2017
Patch Set Update : Oracle Hyperion Reporting and Analysis Framework
- Patch Set Update : Oracle Hyperion Reporting and Analysis Framework
Hyperion Essbase Patch Set Update is Available
- Hyperion Essbase Patch Set Update is Available
Advisor Webcast SummaryLink
To review Archived Recordings and to Register for future Advisor Webcasts
visit Doc ID 1456233.1
Cloud SummaryLink
Oracle Account Reconciliation Cloud (ARCS) - May 2017 Updates
Oracle Enterprise Performance Reporting Cloud (EPRCS) - May 2017 Updates
Oracle Financial Consolidation and Close Cloud - May 2017 Updates
Oracle Planning and Budgeting Cloud (PBCS) - May 2017 Updates
Oracle Profitability and Cost Management Cloud (PCMCS) - May 2017 Updates
Oracle Tax Reporting Cloud - May 2017 Updates

View all Monthly Index posts since October 2013 via the category:
Monthly Index

EPM Patch Set Updates - April 2017


The following are the Enterprise Performance Management (EPM) Patch Set Updates (PSU) released last month (April 2017). 

The "Patch" ID links will access the patch directly for download from "My Oracle Support" (login required). 

Oracle Hyperion 

Patch Set Update: Oracle Hyperion Shared Services
- 24738130
Oracle Hyperion Reporting and Analysis Framework
- 25753058
- 25653800
Hyperion Essbase Patch Set Update
- 25781209
Hyperion Essbase Client RTC
- 25781218
Hyperion Essbase Client
- 25781213
Hyperion Essbase Client MSI
- 25781224
Hyperion Analytic Provider Services
- 25781237

NOTE: Some patches listed may have been released a few days outside of the stated month.

To view the patches released over previous months visit the earlier Blog posts:

Tips and Tricks for best RMAN Backup and Recovery Performance. The new and spectacular 60TB/h backup and the 62TB/h recovery rates with the all new ZS5-4.


Are you interested in improving your RMAN Backup and Recovery? Specifically, the Level 0 backups plus daily incrementals with your ZFS Storage Appliance? Is your current vendor not providing the floor space/performance/price/raw capacity that you need? Are you hungry? Then keep on reading!

Just as you would make the perfect finger licking Mexican Taco (Yes, I am from Mexico!), there is a way to ensure maximum RMAN performance with an Oracle ZFS Storage and an Oracle Engineered system(X6-2 server). Of course, the level of complexity is probably not the same but you get the idea ;).

BIG NETWORK PIPES! That’s right, make sure your clients and your storage array are connected with InfiniBand. InfiniBand provides the biggest and most user friendly bandwidth pipes when it comes to RMAN backup and recovery (QDR IB 40Gbit). Each of these cards can allow up to 5.5GB/sec! Additionally, IB is supremely integrated with Oracle Exadata. Likewise, when preparing your taco you must make sure that the tortilla is big enough to fit all of your ingredients!

High bandwidth capable Servers! What good is it if your servers can’t recover at the speed of your storage array and network bandwidth? At a 80:20 split between Data and Reco, for example, most of our customers are hitting server bandwidth limitation or bad network integration issues (aka not supporting InfiniBand connectivity). Always make sure that your servers are compatible with InfiniBand and that they are InfiniBand friendly. Always buy tortillas from your trusted Mexican supermarket! Aka..not the commercial ones.

Choose your right data profile for you ZFS Pool! Raidz2 provides the best sequential/streaming IO for this type of workload. With its large vdevs , this type of ZFS data profile allows for the fastest and largest IO performance. Similar to Flour tortillas which support the heaviest ingredients but are less flexible than corn J .

Finally, make sure you add the right ingredients!

ZFS software level:recommended minimum of OS8.6.8, required minimum of OS8.6.5 (Avocado and Melted Mozzarella Cheese)

·        Exadata version:recommended minimum of, required minimum of (Freshly made green salsa)

·        Write flash:not utilized (Do not add Nacho Cheese)

·        Read flash:not utilized (Do not add Ghost Pepper)

·        Storage profile: Use Raidz2 data profile, if your workload is not 100% streaming or sequential, use Mirror data profile (Flour tortillas)

·        Network: InfiniBand (Big tortillas)

·        Protocol:Oracle Direct NFS(8 hour slow cooked Barbacoa)

Awesome marketing performance graph showing our 62TB/h restore and 60 TB/h backup rates!

Unbelievably, this number was achieved by using HDDs.

Thank you for reading and I hope I did not make you that hungry!

To learn more about the configuration details on how to achieve these numbers, please visit: 

Using an Oracle RMAN Recovery Catalog on Oracle ZFS Storage Appliance White Paper

 it can be found at: 


*Result disclosure: The performance information that you see on this blog is not ffficial or abided by Oracle. 

 Make sure you join the ZFS Storage User Group: Become an OZUG member!

Announcing the release of Spacewalk 2.6


Spacewalk 2.6 Server is now available for both Oracle Linux 7 and Oracle Linux 6 with client support for Oracle Linux 7, Oracle Linux 6 and Oracle Linux 5.

In addition to numerous fixes and other small enhancements, the Spacewalk 2.6 release includes the following significant features:

  • The taskotop command-line utility has been added to the spacewalk-utils package. This utility monitors Taskomatic activities and provides information about the status of each job.
  • System entitlements and Software Channel entitlements have been removed and all entitlement limits have been removed.

For more details on this release, including additional new features and changes, please consult the Spacewalk 2.6 Release Notes.

For installation and upgrade instructions, please consult the Spacewalk 2.6 Installation Guide for Oracle Linux.

Better Oracle JET Code Structuring with Your Own Modules – Part II by Andrejus Baranovskis


You can end up into long lines of JavaScript code when implementing more complex use cases in JET. This will complicate maintenance and make code hardly readable. To prevent this - plan code structure carefully and use your own modules. Structure code into different modules - to reuse common code across multiple use cases.
Check my JET/ADF BC sample available on GitHub - jetcrud. This sample implements one common module - Customer Controller. Module is responsible to define ADF BC REST service connection. It contains REST service URL, JET model definition with ID attribute and JET collection created based on JET model and assigned with fetch size. This allows not to repeat same definitions again and again in each of JET modules implementing use cases (edit, add, etc.):

Such module is created as any other JET module with define header. We can use it in any other JET module, by specifying module name in define block. For example customers.js module imports Customer Controller through define block: Read the complete article here.

WebLogic Partner Community

For regular information become a member in the WebLogic Partner Community please visit: http://www.oracle.com/partners/goto/wls-emea ( OPN account required). If you need support with your account please contact the Oracle Partner Business Center.


Technorati Tags: WebLogic Community,Oracle,OPN,Jürgen Kress

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