In three interviews, veteran JavaFX developers Jim Weaver, Gerrit Grunwald, Pär Sikö and Martin Grunnarsson describe their JavaFX journey and their favorite JavaFX features.
Jim Weaver likes to call himself a "Java Technology Activist." His top three JavaFX 2.2 features are deployment on Linux, Mac OS, windows and ARM devices; Web View controls and native installer running on user's machine. He is also the editor of the The website "aggregates and provides a common place where JavaFX developers can find resources (downloads, APIs and real world examples) and blogs and twitter feeds."
Gerrit Grunwald is a software engineer, working on interfaces and UI controls at Canoon Engineering AG. “I use 100% JavaFX today” and “I try to evangelize everybody to use JavaFX”. Gerritt sees great opportunities for JavaFX on embedded devices such as displays at airports or train stations. He presented a demo on how to create JavaFX controls on a BeagleBoard.
Martin Gunnarsson is a designer and front-end developer at Epsilon and Pär Sikö is a Java front-end developer at Jayway. Both JavaFX developers, they are convinced that “we have a very powerful WebView in JavaFX 2”. Their presentation was about how to bring web content into a JavaFX application and how to set up two-way communications between the Java and JavaScript code running in WebView. Their presentation called JavaFX Mashups is available online on JavaOne website.