In the last week we have had three additional Java EE JSRs publish milestone drafts and one JSR migrate to JCP 2.9.
- JSR 340, Java Servlet 3.1 Specification, published a Public Review Draft; the review closes 11 February 2013, and the EC ballot will start 12 February 2013.
- JSR 345, Enterprise JavaBeans 3.2, published a Public Review Draft; the review closes 19 February 2013, and the EC ballot will start 20 February 2013.
- JSR 352, Batch Applications for the Java Platform, published a Proposed Final Draft.
- JSR 107, JCACHE - Java Temporary Caching API, migrated to JCP 2.9!
There are 4 open EC Public Review Ballots this week.
- JSR 344, Java ServerFaces 2.2 (closes 28 January 2012).
- JSR 338, Java Persistence 2.1 (closes 4 February 2012).
- JSR 353, Java API for JSON Processing (closes 4 February 2012).
- JSR 356 , Java API for WebSocket (closes 4 February 2012). Also check out interview with Danny Coward, Spec Lead for JSR 356 on the Java Spotlight podcast this week!