Oracle Unified Directory can take advantage of several caches to improve performances. especially the so-called database cache and the file system cache. In addition to that, it is possible to use an entry cache to cache LDAP entries. By default, the entry cache is not used. In specific deployements involving large static groups, it may worth loading the group entries to the entry cache to speed up group membership and group-based aci evaluation.
To do so, run the following commands:
First, specify which entries should reside in the entry cache. In the commad below, only entries matching the LDAP filter " (|(objctclass=groupOfNames)(objectclass=groupOfUniqueNames))" will be stored in the entry cache.
dsconfig set-entry-cache-prop \
--cache-name FIFO \
--port <ADMIN_PORT> \
--bindDN cn=Directory\ Manager \
--bindPassword ****** \
Then enable the entry cache:
In addition to that, you can control how much memory the entry cache can use:
You can change the max-entries amd max-memory-percent properties to control the entry cache size using the dsconfig set-entry-cache-prop command.