I have been following how often Nashorn has been showing up on the net. Nashorn got a burst of tweets when we announced Project Nashorn and I was curious how Nashorn was trending per day, maybe graph the result. Counting tweets manually seemed mindless, so why not write a program to do the same.
This is where Nashorn + Java came shining through. There is a very nice Java library out there called Twitter4J https://github.com/yusuke/twitter4j that handles all things Twitter. After running bin/getAccessToken.sh to get a twitter4j.properties file with personal authorization, all I had to do to run my simple exploratory app was;
nashorn -cp $TWITTER4J/twitter4j-core-3.0.1.jar GetHomeTimeline.js
The content of GetHomeTimeline.js is as follows;
var twitter4j = Packages.twitter4j;var TwitterFactory = twitter4j.TwitterFactory;var Query = twitter4j.Query;var twitter = new TwitterFactory().instance;var query = new Query("nashorn OR nashornjs");query.count = 100;do { var result = twitter.search(query); var tweets = result.tweets; for each (tweet in tweets) { print("@" + tweet.user.screenName + "\t" + tweet.text); }} while (query = result.nextQuery());
How easy was that? Now to hook it up to the JavaFX graphing library...