Roses are Red
And Violets are Blue,
Our partners are the best
Google AdWords is too!
This Valentine’s Day, OPN is spreading the love by enabling partners like you, to incorporate the Oracle trademark into yourGoogle AdWords campaigns. By incorporating Oracle trademarks as keywords into yourGoogle AdWords, you, as an Oracle partner, can make your ads more visible and more relevant to the customer community.
When potential customers search for a keyword that you have incorporated, your ad may show up in their search results, which may result in one or more of the following: love at first sight, a click, or potential lead. There is no cost associated with authorizing with Oracle, just a little bit of your time, which can, in turn, bring about some huge benefits.
To join in this Google AdWords and Oracle love fest, start by sending an email to opncomms@oracle.comrequesting authorization. Be sure to include your company ID, partner Google customer ID, and the text of the ads you’d like to use.
So if you feel the love in the air, there is no better time than right now to start taking advantage of this great opportunity. Be sure to follow us around the web and leave any comments below.
Happy Valentine’s Day,
The OPN Communications Team