Among those command line workers on Windows, I think Cygwin bash has greater share over Powershell.
I'm one of those and here is my Powershell one-liner I invoke often in bash.
$ powershell -command 'Get-Service' | grep Oracle Stopped OATSHelperSvr Oracle Application Testing Suite He... Stopped Oracle Applicat... Oracle Application Testing Suite Ap... Stopped OracleASMServic... OracleASMService+ASM
As you can see Powershell is too conservative here and truncates 2 columns too short.
But .. OK. Powershell can do something more intelligent.
$powershell -command 'Get-Service | Format-Table -AutoSize' | grep Oracle Stopped OracleASMService+ASM OracleASMServic... Stopped OracleDBConsoleorcl OracleDBConsole... Stopped OracleJobSchedulerORCL OracleJobSchedu...
Now, Powershell is too tolerant for 2nd column and thus truncates 3rd column too short.
Unfortunately, there seems to be no workaround for mintty which is a default Cygwin tty application.
Now, if you want to do something in the middle, you can give powershell cryptic options.
$powershell -command 'Get-Service|Format-Table -Property @{Width=7;Align="Left";Expression="Status"},@{Width=32;Expression="Name"},DisplayName' | grep Oracle Stopped OracleASMService+ASM OracleASMService+ASM Stopped OracleVssWriterORCL Oracle ORCL VSS Writer Service
One needs to use names in 2nd column for command like sc.exe.
As you can see above, for some Oracle Windows service, "Name"(2nd column) and "DisplayName"(3rd) differ.
So, this is something to be aware of if you use sc.exe.
Maybe sc.exe is obsolete but my finger remembers it.