Contributed by Sampanna Salunke, Principal Member of Technical Staff, Enterprise Manager
For monitoring any target instance in Oracle Enterprise Manager 12C, you would typically go to target home page, and click on the target menu to navigate to:
- Monitoring->All Metrics page to view all the collected metrics
- Monitoring->Metric and Collection Settings to set thresholds and/or modify collection frequencies of metrics
However, some of virtualization targets need to be monitored and managed differently due to changes made to the way data is collected and thresholds/collection frequencies are applied. Such target types include:
- Oracle VM Server
- Oracle VM Guest
As an optimization effort to minimize number of connections made to Oracle VM Manager to collect data for virtualization targets, the performance metrics for Oracle VM Server and Oracle VMGuest targets are “bulk-collected” at the Oracle VM Server Pool level. This means that thresholds and collection frequencies of Oracle VM Server and Oracle VM Guest metrics need to be seton the Oracle Server Pool that they belong to. For example,if a user wants to set thresholds on the “Oracle VM Server Load:CPU Utilization” metric for Oracle VM Server target,the sequence of steps to be performed are:
1. Navigate to the homepage of the Oracle VM Server Pool target that the Oracle VM Server target belongs to
2. Click on the target menu->Monitoring->Metric and Collection Settings
3. Expand the view option to “All Metrics” if required, and find the “Oracle VM Server Load” metric and change the thresholds or collection frequency of "CPU Utilization" as required.
Note that any changes made at the Oracle VM Server Pool for a “bulk collected” metric affect all the targets for which the metric is applicable in the server pool. In this example, since the user modified the “Oracle VM Server Load: CPU Utilization” threshold, the change is applied to all the Oracle VM Server targets in the server pool “sg-pool1”.
To summarize – the differences between “traditional” monitoring and “bulk-collected” monitoring is that the thresholds and collection frequencies of metrics are modified at the parent target, and the changes made are applied to all the children targets for which the metrics are applicable. However, data and alerts uploaded continue to appear as normal against the child target.
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