ODI can easily process RSS data from the filesystem or web...the ODI XML technology has a driver whose file specification includes support for filesystem, URL and ftp. So processing RSS feeds is very simple. The reverse engineer can also generate a DTD based on the XML, so you don't even need a DTD or XML schema for the input stream. Converting JSON to XML and reversing is a very simple way to reverse a schema for information such as JSON, you can then enrich the model in ODI. In the URL below which I defined for an XML dataserver, I specify a BBC news RSS feed, I can then easily reverse engineer the schema into ODI.
- jdbc:snps:xml?f=http://feeds.bbci.co.uk/news/rss.xml&s=BBC&dtd=d:/bbcrss.dtd
When you use the selective reverse engineer you can see the available datastores in the model generated, its very simple;
To be able to access this URL from within the ODI studio I did define my web proxy and URL - from within the ODI Studio UI you do this in the Tools->Preferences Web Browser and Proxy tab, I defined the HTTP proxy and port number to use.
Once reverse engineered you can view the model in an ODI diagram and see the relationships and objects reversed. You can also get to work and build interface sand view the data from the feed. For example, the ITEM datastore has the meat of the RSS news feed, here is a snippet of the content right now;
Unlike file based XML, the HTTP based ones are read only, but let you easily integrate XML oriented datastreams such as RSS very easily.