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Python cx_Oracle and Oracle 11g DRCP Connection Pooling


The topic of Oracle 11g DRCP connection pooling in Python cx_Oracle came up twice this week for me. DRCP is a database tier connection pooling solution which is great for applications run in multiple processes. There is a whitepaper on DRCP that covers a lot of background and talks about configuration. This whitepaper is ostensibly about PHP but is good reading for all DRCP users.

The first DRCP and cx_Oracle scenario I dealt with was a question about mod_python.

To cut a long story short, I created a handler and requested it 1000 times via Apache's 'ab' tool. In my first script, and despite having increased the default pool parameters, there were a high number of NUM_WAITS. Also NUM_AUTHENTICATIONS was high. Performance wasn't the best. Querying V$CPOOL_CC_STATS showed:

------------ ------------ ---------- ---------- ---------- -------------------
HR.CJDEMO1           1000        992          8        478                1000

At least the session information in each DRCP server was reused (shown via a high NUM_HITS).

Results were better after fixing the script to look like:

from mod_python import apache
import cx_Oracle
import datetime

# Example: Oracle 11g DRCP with cx_Oracle and mod_python

# These pool params are suitable for Apache Pre-fork MPM
mypool = cx_Oracle.SessionPool(user='hr', password='welcome',
         dsn='localhost/orcl:pooled', min=1, max=2, increment=1)

def handler(req):
    global mypool

    req.content_type = 'text/html'
    n = datetime.datetime.now()
    req.write (str(n) + "<br>");

    db = cx_Oracle.connect(user='hr', password='welcome',
            dsn='localhost/orcl:pooled', pool=mypool, cclass="CJDEMO1",

    cur = db.cursor()
    cur.execute('select * from locations')
    resultset = cur.fetchall()
    for result in resultset:
        for item in result:
            req.write (str(item) + "")
        req.write ("<br>")

    return apache.OK

The 'ab' benchmark on this script ran much faster and the stats from V$CPOOL_CC_STATS looked much better. The number of authentications was right down about to about 1 per Apache (ie. mod_python) process:

------------ ------------ ---------- ---------- ---------- -------------------
HR.CJDEMO1           1000        977         23         13                  26

The NUM_HITS was high again, because the DRCP purity was ATTR_PURITY_SELF. If I hadn't wanted session information to be reused each time the handler was executed, I could have set the purity to ATTR_PURITY_NEW. If I'd done this then NUM_HITS would have been low and NUM_MISSES would have been high.

If you're testing this yourself, before restarting the DRCP pool don't forget to shutdown Apache to close all DB connections. Otherwise restarting the pool will block. Also, if you're interpreting your own V$CPOOL_CC_STATS stats don't forget to account for the DRCP"dedicated optimization" that retains an association between clients (mod_python processes) and the DB. The whitepaper previously mentioned discusses this.

The second place where DRCP and python came up this week was on the cx_Oracle mail list. David Stanek posed a question. He was seeing application processes blocking while waiting for a DRCP pooled server to execute a query. My variant of David's script is:

import os
import time
import cx_Oracle

# Example: Sub-optimal connection pooling with Oracle 11g DRCP and cx_Oracle

def do_connection():
    print 'Starting do_connection ' + str(os.getpid())
    con = cx_Oracle.connect(user=user, password=pw, dsn=dsn, cclass="CJDEMO2",
    cur = con.cursor()
    print 'Querying ' + str(os.getpid())
    cur.execute("select to_char(systimestamp) from dual")
    print cur.fetchall()
    print 'Sleeping ' + str(os.getpid())
    print 'Finishing do_connection ' + str(os.getpid())
user = 'hr'
pw = 'welcome'
dsn = 'localhost/orcl:pooled'
for x in range(100):
    pid = os.fork()
    if not pid:

This script forks off a bunch of processes - more than the number of pooled DRCP servers (see MAXSIZE in the DBA_CPOOL_INFO view). The first few processes grab a DRCP server from the pool and do their query. But they don't release the DRCP server back to the DRCP pool until after the sleep() when the process ends. The other forked processes are blocked waiting for those DRCP servers to become available. This isn't optimal pool sharing.

My suggestion was to use an explicit cx_Oracle session pool like this:

import os
import time
import cx_Oracle

# Example: Connection pooling with Oracle 11g DRCP and cx_Oracle
def do_connection():
    print 'Starting do_connection ' + str(os.getpid())
    mypool = cx_Oracle.SessionPool(user=user,password=pw,dsn=dsn,min=1,max=2,increment=1)
    con = cx_Oracle.connect(user=user, password=pw,
          dsn=dsn, pool = mypool, cclass="CJDEMO3", purity=cx_Oracle.ATTR_PURITY_SELF)
    cur = con.cursor()
    print 'Querying ' + str(os.getpid())
    cur.execute("select to_char(systimestamp) from dual")
    print cur.fetchall()
    print 'Sleeping ' + str(os.getpid())
    print 'Finishing do_connection ' + str(os.getpid())

user = 'cj'
pw = 'cj'
dsn = 'ca-tools3.us.oracle.com/orcl3:pooled'
for x in range(100):
    pid = os.fork()
    if not pid:

The mypool.release(con) call releases the DRCP server back to the DRCP pool prior to the sleep. When this second script is run, there is a smoothness to the output. The queries happen sequentially without noticeably being blocked.

Like with any shared resource, it is recommended to release DRCP pooled servers back to the pool when they are no longer needed by the application.

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