Oracle Tuxedo Mainframe Adapters Provide High Availability, Failover and Load Balancing- See the Demo
Oracle Tuxedo Mainframe Adapters provides bi-directional, fully transactional access to and from mainframe CICS, IMS and batch applications. Oracle Tuxedo applications can invoke CICS, IMS & Batch apps running on mainframes and vice-versa.
CRM can support multiple connections and multiple links which makes high availability like load balancing and failover become possible. CRM supports multiple connections including:
- Several GWSNAXs connect to a single CRM. The connected Gateways share a common configuration offering a common set of services
- High availability: Supports inbound loading balance (round robin)
- High availability: Supports inbound failover
- High availability: Supports inbound transaction affinity.
- Interoperatiblity: only supports GWSNAX/CRM of qwc
- Note: The GWSNAXs must be in different Tuxedo domains.
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