JDeveloper just hit the streets and among the new features it contains are several new data visualization ADF Faces components including timeline, treemap, and sunburst.
I got to play with the sunburst component a while back while building some internal demos - so I thought I'll provide a quick overview of some of the things you can do with it, and how to work with it at design time.
The sunburst component is used to visually show numerical data along one or two axises relating to something. One axis of data will show as the size of slices and the other data will show as a color. You can think about it as a two axis pie chart. The sunburst also allow for drilling into detail levels.
In the below example I'm showing just one set of data that has to do with the total orders broken in several levels - region->country->customer.
So here is the demo:
For those interested in the actual JSF code it is below:
<dvt:sunburst id="s1" value="#{bindings.RegionSales1.treeModel}"
var="row" animationOnDataChange="alphaFade"
animationOnDisplay="fan" displayLevelsChildren="0"
inlineStyle="height:620.0px;" legendSource="ag1"
<af:switcher facetName="#{row.hierTypeBinding.name}" id="s2">
<f:facet name="RegionSales10">
<dvt:sunburstNode value="#{row.Total}" label="#{row.Name}"
id="sn3" drilling="insert">
<dvt:attributeGroups id="ag1" value="#{row.Total}"
label="#{row.Total}" type="color"
attributeType="continuous" minValue="0"
maxValue="3000000" minLabel="0"
<f:attribute name="color1" value="11AA55"/>
<f:attribute name="color2" value="44BB77"/>
<f:attribute name="color3" value="77DD99"/>
<f:facet name="RegionSales11">
<dvt:sunburstNode value="#{row.Total}" label="#{row.Country}"
id="sn1" drilling="insert">
<dvt:attributeGroups id="ag2" value="#{row.Total}"
label="#{row.Total}" type="color"
attributeType="continuous" minValue="0"
maxValue="2800000" minLabel="0"
<f:attribute name="color1" value="11AA55"/>
<f:attribute name="color2" value="44BB77"/>
<f:attribute name="color3" value="77DD99"/>
<f:facet name="RegionSales12">
<dvt:sunburstNode value="#{row.Total}" label="#{row.Name1}"
id="sn2" drilling="insertAndReplace"/>