Satlantic is an ocean technology company that develops optical sensors for aquatic research and water quality monitoring.
Satlantic instruments are shipped with easy to use software for instrument setup, data logging, and processing. Each software product is custom built for the various tasks that are typically performed. The software assists in collecting and processing data from complex instruments in harsh aquatic environments.
A lot of the software at Satlantic is written on top of the NetBeans Platform:
- SUNACom. Software for setting up and operating the Satlantic SUNA Nitrate sensor, making the process of in-field calibration updates easy and robust:
- SeaFETCom. Software that provides tools necessary for configuring and operating Satlantic SeaFET pH sensors for deployment scenarios:
- STORXCom. Software for managing the STOR-X Submersible Data Logger and the LOBO Land/Ocean Biogeochemical Observatory. It provides point-and-click data retrieval, scheduling, and configuration:
- FIReCom. Software application for configuring and controlling all aspects of In Situ FIRe, and for interactively setting up experiments, collecting data, and analyzing results.
- ISUSCom. Software for the complete configuration and operation of the Satlantic ISUS V3 nitrate sensor:
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