I have a csv in my copy&paste buffer of 100 values where each values is 10 byte length strings.
And I want to use these values in SQL as a key to look up a table.
I think this often happens for a lot of people especially Excel workers.
With Excel, one can use Oracle provided driver or more expensive Oracle products.
But I want to use sqlplus so I googled.
I have to admit that I started searching with wrong keyword like 'UNPIVOT'.
So, it took a while to find a relevant page like below.
Converting delimited lists to collections
It is a common requirement to be able to take a delimited list of values, say A,B,C,D, and treat this data like it was a set of rows in a table
While I learned a lot from this page, I thought there may be a better way.
So, I googled once again and found the answer in the 'usual' place... "Ask Tom".
scott@10G> exec :txt := 'a,bb,ccc,d,e,f';
scott@10G> select trim(regexp_substr(upper(:txt),'[^,]+',1,level)) as Tokens from dual
connect by level <= length(regexp_replace(:txt,'[^,]'))+1;TOKENS
F6 rows selected.
Great! I think my sample below is a too simple but easier to understand.
Please notice 2 differences.
- I didn't use bind variable so it's a true one-liner SQL.
- Number of values need not to be known. I just used a sufficiently large value which is '256'.
SQL>l 1 with tokens as ( 2 select regexp_substr('KING,TURNER,BLAH,!ERROR!,0,JAMES','[^,]+',1,level) as token 3 from dual connect by level <= 256) 4* select ename,deptno from emp,tokens where emp.ename=tokens.tokenSQL>/ ENAME DEPTNO ------------------------------ ---------- KING 10 TURNER 30 JAMES 30