(in via Nancy)
Nancy pointed me at a newly created KM Doc that talks about MDX tracking unsurprisingly called: Tracking MDX Queries Against an Essbase Database [ID 1543793.1].
This CFG setting is not yet fully documented, but may make it into the next documentation update.
MDX queries run against an Essbase application can be tracked by adding a line in the Essbase configuration file,
TRACE_MDX appname dbname 2
The appname and dbname refer to the specific application and database that you want to track.
Both are optional. Omit them if you want all applications tracked.
The MDX queries are dumped to a file named mdxtrace.log in ARBORPATH/appname/dbname folder,
i.e. /Oracle/Middleware/user_projects/epmsystem1/EssbaseServer/essbaseserver1/app/Sample/Basic.
The log contains:
- The time stamp at the time of completion of the query.
- The elapsed time for the query
- it does NOT contain the user who issued this statement - for that you would need to cross check in the Application log file
So for example, executing an MDX query against the Sample/Basic database, the mdxtrace.log contains:
=============================================================== Following MDX query executed at Mon Apr 08 08:56:13 2013 =============================================================== SELECT {[100-10], [100-20]} ON COLUMNS, {[Qtr1], [Qtr2], [Qtr3], [Qtr4]} ON ROWS FROM Sample.Basic === MDX Query Elapsed Time : [0.009] seconds =================== |
Please Note:
Only queries that were executed successfully are printed to file. Queries that end in error are not printed.
We hope that this can assist you in tuning your Database/MDX queries.