MySQL SystemQA: Testing MEB impact over MySQL Server features:
MySQL SysQA team is responsible to test the MySQL Enterprise backup at a system level. Along with the System testing , SysQA team worked on MEB impact over MySQL Server features to ensure the new version of MySQl server is compatible with latest release of MEB.
What we do.
- Analyse each Server feature and findout if that impacts MEB.
- Run an Automated test that integrates the server functionalities along with MEB. The test is done in parallel with running server feature.
- Run the feature at each level of MEB run and verify if it works fine.
- Run the feature at different boundary conditions and verify the backup.
How we Did.
- Created a MultiThreaded program to run the MEB and Server feature in parallel.
- Run different transactions along with the server feature and run backup. Restore the backup and - Start a MySQL server with the restored data.
- Verify the data against the original data directory.
MySQL Server Feature: Online alter
- Created different online alter scenarios (with boundary conditions) and prepared a SQL file.
- Included the same in the Program.
- Modify the parameter of the program to trigger the Transactions at certain point of MEB run.(run the transactions when the backup command starts copying the table impacted)
- Check if backup is successful
- Restore the new data directory and start a server.
- Check if the transactions are updated in the table.
Future activities:
High load integration with the automation script to ensure the MEB works with new server features.