Eclipse Kepler (4.3) features 71 different open source projects and over 58 million LOC. One of the main themes of the release is the support for Java EE 7. Kepler specifically added support for the features mentioned below:
- Create Java EE 7 Eclipse projects or using Maven
- New facets for JPA 2.1, JSF 2.2, Servlet 3.1, JAX-RS 2.0, EJB 3.2
- Schemas and descriptors updated for Java EE 7 standards
(web.xml, application.xml, ejb-jar.xml, etc)
- Tolerance for JPA 2.1 such as features can be used without
causing invalidation and content assist for UI (JPA 2.1)
- Support for NamedStoredProcedureQuery (JPA 2.1)
- Schema generation configuration in persistence.xml (JPA 2.1)
- Updates to persistence.xml editor with the new JPA 2.1 properties
- Existing features support EE7 (Web Page Editor, Palette, EL content assist, annotations, JSF tags, Facelets, etc)
- Code generation wizards tolerant of EE7 (New EJB, Servlet, JSP, etc.)
A comprehensive list of features added in this release is
available in Web
Tools Platform 3.5 - New and Noteworthy.
Oracle Enterprise Pack for Eclipse was released recently that uses Eclipse Kepler RC3 but will be refreshed soon to include the final bits.